Listening Sessions: Turn up the volume on artist support

Join Fans in Supporting Your Favorite Artists

Listening Sessions are where fans come together to enjoy and support new music releases. Every listen helps highlight the artist's work, creating a collective appreciation experience.
Celebrate Music with Fan Engagement
At sesh, Listening Sessions are more than just gatherings; they're designed to foster genuine connections between artists and fans, enhancing the music experience in today's digital landscape.

How Listening Sessions work?

Strategic song selection
Artists choose a track to feature in a Listening Session, inviting fans to join in and enjoy the music together transforming new releases into trending topics.
Community Engagement
Fans join a Listening Session and see their individual contributions. Each complete play is celebrated as part of the collective enjoyment.
Measure the impact
Watch live as fan engagement grows, celebrating each milestone together. It’s a transparent way to see the direct impact of fan support.
Why Listening Sessions are a game-changer?
Launch Power
Amplify new releases with fan-driven listening events.
Community Engagement
Encourage genuine interactions that organically boost track visibility.
Targeted Reach
Enhance presence in specific markets, connecting directly with the right audience.
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