sesh and Owner of the Community’s Joint Controllers Basic Information

Updated: March 2024

“Data controllers” is a term used to describe those who determine the purposes for which and the means by which your personal data is processed. 

When you join a Community in sesh, the particular Artist and his or her affiliated companies are considered to be the “Owner of the Community” and they are “sesh joint controllers” , together with COLKIE, as they jointly make decisions on the purposes ("what the data are used for") and the means ("how the data are used") of the processing of personal data carried out within that Community. 

Click here to view sesh’s privacy policy which sets forth your privacy rights regarding  sesh joint controllers’ collection and use of your personal information. 

The purpose of the processing of personal data jointly carried out by COLKIE and the Owner of the Community in sesh as joint controllers is to enable users to interact with other fans, share their own content and participate in virtual events such as Sessions organized by the Owner of the Community therein.

The categories of personal data that COLKIE and Sesh joint controllers process for this purpose are username, image, telephone number, geographic location (country), as well as the content that the user may decide to post or share with other users through sesh camera feature or gallery settings, or through sesh voice feature. The legal basis for this processing of personal data is the performance of a contract.

The Owner of the Community may solicitate users’ consent to conduct further processing activities. With respect to such processing activities, COLKIE and the Owner of the Community are independent data controllers. Users shall read and agree with the Owner of the Community's Privacy terms before providing their consent. See below for a list of Community Owners and a link to their respective privacy policies. 

The table below shows which sesh join controller makes decisions together with COLKIE in each Community.

Community/Artist Community/Artist’s country/region Name contact detail of sesh joint controller and link to applicable Privacy Policy

In accordance with the provisions of the applicable law, COLKIE has entered into a joint controllership agreement (“JCA”) with each Sesh joint controllers, the essential elements of which are the following:

  1. That, for the processing of personal carried out in the Community owned by the Sesh joint controller, COLKIE and the Sesh joint controller shall act in a coordinated or joint manner as per data protection legislation.
  2. That COLKIE and Sesh joint controller shall adopt the appropriate technical and organizational security measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk inherent to the processing of personal data subject to joint responsibility.
  3. That COLKIE and the Sesh joint controller shall have a one-stop shop mechanism for the exercise of the rights of data subjects, assuming the commitment of the duty of collaboration and assistance in those cases in which it is appropriate. The point of contact for data subjects within the framework of data processing activities jointly carried by COLKIE and Sesh joint controllers is COLKIE: COLKIE TECHNOLOGY S.L., with CIF B05387345 and registered office at Calle General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003 – Madrid
  4. Regardless of the terms of the JCA, data subjects may exercise their data protection rights against each of the joint controllers.
  5. That COLKIE and the Sesh joint controller comply with the obligation to respect the duty of secrecy and to keep the due confidentiality of the personal data that are processed within the framework of the above-mentioned data processing activities.