Términos y Condiciones para Artistas

Última actualización: abril 2024

Los presentes Términos y Condiciones (“Términos”) regulan el uso de sesh (también denominada la “aplicación”), incluidas las características y funcionalidades de sesh tales como Comunidades, Sesiones, APIs y Streaming Parties (“Servicios”), por parte de Artistas (tal y como se definen en la Sección 1 a continuación).


Si un tribunal determina que alguna de las disposiciones de estos Términos es ilegal, nulo o, por cualquier motivo, inaplicable, dicha disposición se considerará separable de estos Términos y no afectará a la validez y aplicabilidad de las disposiciones restantes.

Este documento ha sido redactado en inglés y se proporciona a los Artistas en diferentes idiomas, en función de su ubicación geográfica. En caso de disputas o litigios, todas las versiones se considerarán auténticas, pero a efectos legales se dará prioridad de interpretación al texto en inglés.

  1. Definiciones
Artista se refiere a un individuo o grupo que se dedique a la creación, interpretación y producción de música, que posea una Cuenta de Artista y una Comunidad de Fans en sesh (también denominado “usted” o “su”).
Cuenta de Artista se refiere a una cuenta propiedad de un Artista en sesh.
Contenido del Artista se refiere a cualquier material cargado por un Artista en su Comunidad o utilizando los Servicios, incluyendo fotos, vídeos, audio, material de retransmisión en directo, datos, comentarios, hashtag, imágenes, emojis, GIFs, memes y cualquier otro material.
Datos del Artista se refiere cualquier información relativa a un Artista al registrarse y utilizar sesh.
Contenido se refiere a cualquier Contenido de sesh, ya sea Contenido de los Fans o Contenido de los Artistas.
Comunidad se refiere a un espacio virtual propiedad de un Artista, en el que se ofrece Contenido del Artista a los Fans y en el que los Fans pueden interactuar entre sí.
Fan se refiere a una persona que posee una Cuenta de Usuario en sesh y que ha solicitado a COLKIE unirse a una Comunidad para ver el Contenido del Artista dentro de la Comunidad.
Cuenta de Fan se refiere a la cuenta de un Fan en sesh.
Contenido de los Fans se refiere a cualquier material cargado en sesh por un Fan, incluyendo fotos, vídeos, audio, material de retransmisión en directo, datos, comentarios, hashtags, imágenes, emojis, GIFs, memes y cualquier otro material.
Datos de los Fans se refiere a cualquier información relacionada con un Fan cuando se registra y utiliza sesh.
Sesión se refiere a un espacio en línea creado por el Artista dentro de su propia Comunidad, en el que se ofrece Contenido temporal del Artista a los Fans o a un grupo específico de Fans.
Usuario(s) se refiere a cualquier usuario de sesh, ya sea Fan o Artista.
Cuenta de Usuario se refiere a cualquier cuenta creada por un individuo en sesh, ya sea Fan o Artista.

  1. Acerca de estos Términos 

Al aceptar estos términos, acepta quedar legalmente vinculado por los mismos, que constituirán un contrato entre usted y COLKIE TECHNOLOGY S.L., con número de sociedad B05387345 y domicilio social en la calle General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003 - Madrid (“COLKIE”, “nosotros”, “nos” o “nuestro”). Nuestros Términos y Condiciones de Uso y Directrices de la Comunidad forman parte de estos Términos y usted los acepta al aceptar estos Términos.

La persona, empresa u otra entidad legal que acepte estos Términos en su nombre, declara y garantiza que tiene plena autoridad para vincularle a estos Términos.

Si acepta estos Términos en nombre de una empresa u otra entidad jurídica, declara y garantiza que está autorizado a hacerlo y que tiene autoridad para vincular a dicha entidad a estos Términos, en cuyo caso las palabras “usted” y “su” utilizadas en estos Términos se referirán a dicha entidad.



  1. Datos de contacto 

sesh es operado por COLKIE. Para ponerse en contacto con nosotros con cualquier pregunta sobre el uso de sesh, por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a support@joinsesh.app . Si no puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros por correo electrónico, por favor escríbanos a la siguiente dirección: C/ General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003, Madrid, España.

  1. Cómo puedo obtener una Cuenta de Artista y una Comunidad en sesh

4.1 Requisitos para solicitar una Cuenta de Artista

Para obtener una Cuenta de Artista, primero debe crear una Cuenta de Usuario en sesh. 

Para convertir su Cuenta de Usuario en una Cuenta de Artista, debe enviar su solicitud de Cuenta de Artista en nuestra Página de Registro de Artistas. Le pediremos que nos proporcione su nombre, dirección de correo electrónico y enlace a su Cuenta de Spotify. 

Al presentar una solicitud de Cuenta de Artista, usted confirma que la información que nos facilita es veraz, exacta y completa y que la Cuenta de Spotify le pertenece. Asimismo, confirma que su Cuenta de Usuario no ha sido cancelada o suspendida por nosotros por haber infringido los Términos y Condiciones de Uso para Usuarios y las Directrices de la Comunidad o cualesquiera otros términos o políticas.

Sólo se le permitirá tener una Cuenta de Artista en sesh. Sin embargo, si bloqueamos su Cuenta de Artista original porque alguien se la apropió ilegalmente, puede presentar una solicitud para obtener una nueva Cuenta de Artista para usted.

4.2 Verificación 

Verificaremos que usted es la persona que solicita una Cuenta de Artista. Es posible que le solicitemos información adicional sobre su carrera, entre otros:

  1. pistas de música, vídeos o cualquier otra creación multimedia relevante;
  2. enlaces a su sitio web oficial, perfiles en redes sociales u otras plataformas en línea en las que se muestre su trabajo;
  3. evidencias de conciertos o actuaciones, si dispone de ellas;
  4. testimonios o referencias de fuentes acreditadas de su sector;
  5. evidencias de premios, reconocimientos o logros relacionados con su carrera artística.

4.3 Solicitudes rechazadas

Su solicitud puede ser rechazada por el/los siguiente/s motivo/s:

  1. Información incompleta o inexacta sobre su carrera.
  2. La información proporcionada no parece auténtica o genuina.
  3. Su Cuenta de Usuario o su Contenido asociado infringe los Términos y Condiciones de Uso para Usuarios y/o las Directrices de la Comunidad y/o la legislación aplicable.
  4. Compromiso o seguimiento insuficientes.
  5. Cuentas duplicadas.
  6. Sospechas de actividad fraudulenta, incluido el spam y el comportamiento similar al de un bot.

Si no cumple los requisitos anteriores, si hay una buena razón para creer que la información que proporciona es incompleta o incorrecta, o si no coopera con nuestras peticiones, podemos rechazar su solicitud.

4.4 Creación de su Comunidad

Una vez completado el proceso de verificación, crearemos una Comunidad en sesh para usted. Dentro de la Comunidad que se le asigne, podrá compartir Contenido del Artista con sus Fans. 

Tenga en cuenta que COLKIE le concederá un acceso único a una plataforma externa en la que podrá acceder y procesar, conjuntamente con nosotros, los datos personales de los Fans.

  1. Uso Indebido de sesh

Usted se compromete a no hacer un mal uso de la aplicación o de los Servicios. Usted se compromete a no:

Tampoco podrá realizar ninguna de las siguientes acciones mientras acceda o utilice la aplicación:

También constituye una infracción de estos Términos facilitar o ayudar a otros a infringir estos Términos, incluida la distribución de productos o servicios que permitan o fomenten la infracción de estos términos.

El Contenido del Artista no se considerará en ningún caso confidencial. Usted autoriza a los Fans pertenecientes a su Comunidad a acceder y ver su Contenido del Artista para su propio uso lícito y personal, y/o de conformidad con cualquier otra licencia que eventualmente les conceda.

6.1 Garantías

Usted garantiza (lo que significa que nos hace una promesa legalmente exigible) que:

  1. usted es el propietario del Contenido del Artista (y de todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual sobre el mismo) que postee, muestre, cargue o publique, o dispone de una licencia válida para postearlo, mostrarlo, cargarlo o publicarlo en la Comunidad que se le ha asignado o en sesh;
  2. el Contenido del Artista que usted postee, muestre, cargue o publique en sesh cumple íntegramente estos Términos y nuestras Directrices de la Comunidad;
  3. si su Contenido incluye o utiliza material de terceros, usted ha obtenido todos los derechos, licencias, consentimientos por escrito y liberaciones que sean necesarios para el uso de dicha propiedad de terceros en sesh y para el uso posterior de dicho Contenido en sesh; y
  4. el Contenido es de calidad satisfactoria, teniendo en cuenta cualquier descripción y todas las demás circunstancias pertinentes, incluida cualquier declaración o representación que usted haga sobre la naturaleza del Contenido en su cuenta o en cualquier publicidad;

Usted acepta que será responsable ante nosotros y nos indemnizará si alguna de las garantías es falsa. Esto significa que usted será responsable de cualquier pérdida o daño (incluido el lucro cesante) que podamos sufrir como consecuencia de la falta de veracidad de cualquiera de las garantías.

No somos responsables ni respaldamos ningún aspecto del Contenido del Artista publicado por usted en sesh. No tenemos ninguna obligación de supervisar ningún Contenido y no tenemos ningún control directo sobre lo que pueda incluir su Contenido del Artista.

6.2 Interacción con los Fans

Cuando interactúe con Fans que se hayan unido a su Comunidad, no debe cargar, postear, mostrar o publicar Contenido del Artista que:

  1. sea ilegal, fraudulento, difamatorio, odioso, discriminatorio, amenazador o acosador, o que fomente o promueva la violencia o cualquier actividad ilegal;
  2. muestre, incluya o haga referencia a menores;
  3. muestre, incluya o haga referencia a otras personas, a menos que usted disponga de documentación escrita que confirme que todas las personas mostradas o incluidas o a las que se haga referencia en su Contenido del Artista le han dado su consentimiento para el uso de su nombre o imágenes (u otra información personal) en sesh;
  4. promueva, anuncie o haga referencia a armas de fuego, armas, bienes cuya venta, posesión o uso esté sujeto a prohibiciones o restricciones, drogas, autolesiones o suicidio, zoofilia, sexo, violencia, violación, hipnosis, intoxicación, tortura, abuso, prostitución;
  5. cause o esté calculado para causar molestias o ansiedad a cualquier persona o que pueda molestar, avergonzar o causar una ofensa grave;
  6. contenga, promueva, anuncie o haga referencia a discursos que inciten al odio;
  7. vilipendie, humille, deshumanice, excluya, ataque y amenace a otras personas;
  8. incite al odio, al miedo o a la violencia contra un grupo o individuo por motivos de raza, etnia, origen nacional, estatus migratorio, casta, religión, sexo, identidad o expresión de género, orientación sexual, edad, discapacidad, enfermedad grave, condición de veterano o cualquier otra característica protegida;
  9. contenga o se refiera a información personal, privada o confidencial de otras personas;

6.3 Acciones Correctivas

Nos reservamos el derecho, pero no estamos obligados, a moderar o revisar su Contenido del Artista para verificar el cumplimiento de estos Términos y/o de cualquier ley aplicable. No obstante, tenga en cuenta que podremos decidir tomar cualquiera de las medidas que se indican a continuación si determinamos que su Contenido del Artista, y/o su Cuenta de Artista y/o actividad en la Aplicación infringen las presentes Condiciones:

  1. enviarle un mensaje de advertencia;
  2. solicitarle que corrija su Contenido del Artista;
  3. corregir, degradar, ocultar o eliminar su Contenido del Artista de la aplicación;
  4. restringir su Cuenta de Artista bloqueando su acceso a sesh, o;
  5. notificar a las autoridades locales sobre su actividad si existe una amenaza para la vida o la seguridad de alguien.

6.4 Bloqueo de su Cuenta de Artista

Nos reservamos el derecho a bloquear temporalmente su Cuenta de Artista en los siguientes casos:

Cuando decimos que “bloqueamos” su Cuenta de Artista, queremos decir que, sin necesidad de obtener su consentimiento y sin notificárselo previamente, desactivaremos temporalmente el acceso a su Cuenta de Artista. Si bloqueamos su Cuenta de Artista, puede solicitar una revisión de nuestra decisión poniéndose en contacto con nosotros en support@joinsesh.app

No seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida sufrida por usted derivada del bloqueo de su Cuenta de Artista o de cualquier otra medida que tomemos de buena fe para investigar cualquier sospecha de incumplimiento o ilegalidad de su Contenido del Artista.

6.5 Cancelación

Nos reservamos el derecho, a nuestra entera discreción, de cancelar su Cuenta de Artista y eliminar definitivamente su Comunidad, así como el Contenido del Artista publicado en ella, sin previo aviso, en los siguientes casos:

  1. ha incumplido o puede haber incumplido de forma grave o reiterada alguna parte de estos Términos o intenta o amenaza con incumplir alguna parte de estos Términos de forma que tenga o pueda tener consecuencias legales para nosotros o consecuencias graves para los Usuarios;
  2. ha creado un riesgo o una posible exposición legal para nosotros;
  3. conductas ilícitas;
  4. inactividad prolongada; o
  5. usted ha causado o es razonablemente probable que su actividad nos cause una pérdida o que perjudique de otro modo la reputación para nosotros o sesh.

Podemos investigar cualquier sospecha o presunto uso indebido, abuso o uso ilegal de sesh y cooperar con los organismos o autoridades encargados de hacer cumplir la ley en dicha investigación.

Podemos revelar cualquier información o registro en nuestro poder o bajo nuestro control sobre su uso de sesh a los organismos o autoridades encargados de hacer cumplir la ley en relación con cualquier investigación policial de cualquier actividad ilegal presunta o sospechosa, para proteger nuestros derechos o intereses legales, o en respuesta a un proceso legal.

En todos estos casos, se rescindirán los Términos, incluido, a título meramente enunciativo y no limitativo, su licencia para utilizar los Servicios, con la salvedad de que seguirán siendo de aplicación las siguientes secciones: Privacidad, Contenido, Descargo de Responsabilidad, Limitación de Responsabilidad y Uso Indebido de los Servicios. Si cree que su Cuenta ha sido cancelada por error, puede enviar un correo electrónico a support@joinsesh.app .

Usted confirma que posee todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual sobre su Contenido del Artista o que ha obtenido todos los derechos necesarios sobre su Contenido del Artista que son requeridos para otorgar licencias respecto a su Contenido del Artista a nosotros en cualquier territorio en el que sesh sea accesible.

Usted acepta otorgarnos una licencia sobre todo su Contenido del Artista para realizar cualquier acto restringido por cualquier derecho de propiedad intelectual (incluyendo derechos de autor) sobre dicho Contenido del Artista, para cualquier propósito razonablemente relacionado con la provisión y operación de sesh. Tales actos incluyen reproducir, poner a disposición y comunicar al público, mostrar, interpretar, distribuir, traducir, y crear adaptaciones u obras derivadas de su Contenido del Artista, y de cualquier otra manera gestionar su Contenido del Artista. La licencia que usted nos otorga es perpetua, no exclusiva, mundial, libre de regalías, sub-licenciable, asignable y transferible por nosotros.

Le otorgamos una licencia personal, mundial, libre de regalías, no asignable y no exclusiva para usar la aplicación y los Servicios. Esta licencia tiene el único propósito de permitirle usar y disfrutar del beneficio de los Servicios tal como se proporciona en sesh, de la manera permitida por estos Términos o por las leyes aplicables.

La Aplicación está protegida por derechos de autor, marcas registradas y otras leyes. Nada en los Términos le otorga el derecho de usar las marcas registradas, logotipos, nombres de dominio, otras características distintivas de la marca y otros derechos de propiedad de sesh, sin nuestra autorización.

Todo derecho, título e interés sobre los Servicios (excluyendo el Contenido del Artista y el Contenido de los Fans) son y seguirán siendo nuestra propiedad exclusiva.

9.1 Procesamiento de Datos del Artista

En relación con el procesamiento de sus Datos del Artista bajo estos Términos, el responsable del tratamiento según el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (UE) 2016/679 (“RGPD”) es COLKIE TECHNOLOGY S.L., con número de compañía B05387345 y domicilio social en Calle General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003 – Madrid.

Procesaremos sus Datos del Artista para los siguientes propósitos:

  1. Permitir la creación de su Cuenta de Artista.
  2. Permitirnos proporcionarle los Servicios y alojar su Contenido del Artista.
  3. Asegurar el cumplimiento y la aplicación de estos Términos.
  4. To contact you regarding updates, services, and promotions, including by SMS, provided you have opted in for such communications. You can opt out of receiving SMS at any time through the provided channels.

La base legal es la ejecución de un contrato (estos Términos) del cual usted es parte (Art. 6 del RGPD).

Sus Datos del Artista se conservarán mientras se mantenga la relación contractual. Tras dicho periodo, mantendremos sus Datos del Artista bloqueados e impidiendo su procesamiento, salvo para ponerlos a disposición de jueces y tribunales, el Ministerio Fiscal o las Administraciones Públicas competentes, en particular las autoridades de protección de datos, para la exigencia de posibles responsabilidades derivadas del tratamiento y solo durante el período de prescripción legal.

Podemos compartir Datos del Artista con proveedores de servicios de terceros cuando dichos datos sean necesarios para que ellos nos presten un servicio. Tenemos un contrato que exige a estos proveedores mantener la confidencialidad de los Datos del Artista y no utilizarlos más que de acuerdo con las instrucciones específicas de COLKIE.

Como titular de los datos, usted tiene los siguientes derechos respecto al procesamiento de sus Datos del Artista:

Si desea ejercer cualquiera de los derechos mencionados anteriormente, puede en cualquier momento contactar directamente con COLKIE enviando la solicitud correspondiente a las siguientes direcciones:

Finalmente, si le preocupa la forma en que hemos procesado sus Datos del Artista, puede presentar una queja ante la autoridad supervisora (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos www.aepd.es).

9.2 Procesamiento de Datos de los Fans

Le asignaremos una Comunidad y le transferiremos Datos de los Fans como parte de los Servicios.

Cuando usted use la Aplicación y lleve a cabo actividades de procesamiento que involucren Datos de los Fans como sujetos de datos, algunas de esas operaciones de procesamiento de datos se realizan como corresponsables junto con nosotros en el sentido del Art. 26, apartado 1, frase 1 del RGPD. Las actividades de procesamiento de datos realizadas conjuntamente con nosotros se describen en nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Al aceptar estos Términos, usted acepta las responsabilidades para el cumplimiento de las obligaciones establecidas en el “Acuerdo de Corresponsabilidad” incorporado como un Anexo a estos Términos.

9.3 Otras actividades de procesamiento

Se le permitirá llevar a cabo otras operaciones de procesamiento respecto a los Datos de los Fans como responsable de datos independiente. Usted acepta que dichas actividades de procesamiento independientes no están cubiertas por estos Términos y que usted es el único responsable del cumplimiento del RGPD y otras leyes de protección de datos.

Si así lo requieren las leyes aplicables de protección de datos o privacidad, debe tener una política de privacidad y debe informar a los Fans.

Las actividades de procesamiento de datos que llevamos a cabo de forma independiente se describen en nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Con respecto a los fans de EE. UU., usted no recopilará, compartirá ni utilizará de otro modo la información/datos personales de ningún Usuario fan menor de 16 años sin seguir las leyes federales o estatales aplicables en los Estados Unidos en relación con la obtención del consentimiento del fan y/o de sus padres o tutor legal.

9.4 Cumplimiento de los requisites de CPRA

De conformidad con la CPRA y las regulaciones finales promulgadas por la Agencia de Protección de la Privacidad de California (denominadas “regulaciones”), las Partes acuerdan lo siguiente:

  1. Las Partes se prohíben mutuamente vender o compartir la información personal que recopilan conforme a estos Términos.
  2. Las Partes acuerdan que los fines específicos para los cuales las partes de estos Términos procesarán la información personal son los siguientes:
  1. Permitir a los usuarios interactuar y publicar sus contenidos dentro de una Comunidad.
  2. Registrar y calificar el número de interacciones que los usuarios realizan dentro de la Comunidad, premiarlos con contenido exclusivo y otras recompensas, y entregarles dichas recompensas.
  3. Recopilar datos personales relacionados con los usuarios en Aplicaciones externas de streaming de música (como Spotify) y permitirles participar en Streaming Parties.
  4. Gestionar la compra y el envío de Productos que el usuario adquiera a través de la aplicación.
  1. Las Partes acuerdan limitar el uso de cualquier información personal del usuario que recopilen conforme a estos Términos a cualquier propósito que no sea los fines expresamente descritos en estos Términos.
  1. Las Partes acuerdan no retener, usar o divulgar ninguna información personal del usuario que recopilen conforme a estos Términos para cualquier propósito comercial que no sea los fines especificados en estos Términos, a menos que lo permita expresamente la CPRA o las regulaciones. 
  2. Las Partes acuerdan no retener, usar o divulgar la información personal que recopilen conforme a estos Términos fuera de la relación comercial directa entre las Partes, a menos que lo permita expresamente la CPRA o las regulaciones. Por ejemplo, las Partes tienen prohibido combinar o actualizar la información personal que recopilen conforme a estos Términos con la información personal que reciban de otra fuente o que recopilen de su propia interacción con el consumidor, a menos que lo permita expresamente la CPRA o las regulaciones.
  3. Las Partes acuerdan cumplir con todas las secciones aplicables de la CPRA y las regulaciones, incluyendo—con respecto a la información personal que recopilen conforme a estos Términos proporcionar el mismo nivel de protección de privacidad que se requiere de las Empresas según la CPRA y las regulaciones. Por ejemplo, estos Términos requieren que las Partes cooperen entre sí en la respuesta y cumplimiento de las solicitudes de los consumidores realizadas conforme a la CPRA, y que implementen procedimientos de seguridad razonables y prácticas apropiadas para la naturaleza de la información personal para proteger la información personal contra el acceso, destrucción, uso, modificación o divulgación no autorizados o ilegales, de acuerdo con la sección 1798.81.5 del Código Civil de California.
  4. Las Partes acuerdan otorgarse mutuamente el derecho de tomar medidas razonables y apropiadas para garantizar que la otra Parte de estos Términos use la información personal que recopile conforme a estos Términos de una manera consistente con las obligaciones comerciales bajo la CPRA y las regulaciones. Medidas razonables y apropiadas pueden incluir revisiones manuales continuas y análisis automatizados de una Parte o del sistema de un proveedor de servicios, y evaluaciones, auditorías u otras pruebas técnicas y operativas regulares internas o de terceros, al menos una vez cada 12 meses.
  5. Las Partes acuerdan notificarse mutuamente después de determinar que ya no pueden cumplir con sus obligaciones bajo la CPRA y las regulaciones.
  6. Las Partes acuerdan otorgarse mutuamente el derecho, previa notificación, de tomar medidas razonables y apropiadas para detener y remediar cualquier uso no autorizado de la información personal.
  7. Por ejemplo, una Parte puede requerir a la otra Parte o a cualquier proveedor de servicios o contratista que proporcione documentación que verifique que ya no retienen ni usan la información personal de los consumidores que han realizado una solicitud válida de eliminación con la empresa. 
  8. Las Partes acuerdan asistirse y habilitarse mutuamente para cumplir con las solicitudes de los consumidores realizadas conforme a la CPRA.
  1. Cada una de las Partes, y todos y cada uno de los proveedores de servicios o contratistas a los que se subcontrate para prestar servicios a las Partes, deberán tener un contrato por escrito que cumpla con la CPRA y las regulaciones, incluyendo vincular a todos los proveedores de servicios y contratistas a todos los términos establecidos en la subsección (a) de estos Términos.
  2.  Si una Parte realiza la debida diligencia de la otra Parte de estos Términos, o de cualquier proveedor de servicios y contratistas, influirá en si la Parte tiene razones para creer que una Parte, proveedor de servicios o contratista está utilizando información personal en violación de la CPRA y estas regulaciones. Por ejemplo, dependiendo de las circunstancias, una Parte que nunca haga cumplir los términos del contrato ni ejerza sus derechos para auditar o probar a la otra Parte o los sistemas de un proveedor de servicios o contratista, podría no ser capaz de basarse en la defensa de que no tenía razones para creer que el proveedor de servicios o contratista tiene la intención de utilizar la información personal en violación de la CPRA y estas regulaciones en el momento en que la Parte divulgó la información personal al proveedor de servicios o contratista.

Puede eliminar su Cuenta de Artista en cualquier momento y de forma gratuita utilizando la sección de Configuración de Cuenta en la Aplicación.

Una vez eliminada su Cuenta de Artista y su Comunidad asignada, ya no tendrá acceso a su antigua Cuenta de Artista, su Contenido del Artista y los Datos de los Fans.

Recibirá una confirmación por correo electrónico una vez se haya eliminado correctamente su Cuenta de Artista.

Una vez eliminada su Cuenta de Artista, podremos gestionar su Contenido del Artista de cualquier manera adecuada de acuerdo con estos Términos y el Acuerdo de Corresponsabilidad, y usted ya no tendrá derecho a acceder a su Contenido del Artista.

Su acceso y uso de su Cuenta de Artista, la Aplicación, los Servicios, los Datos de los Fans o cualquier Contenido son bajo su propio riesgo. Usted comprende y acepta que la Aplicación y los Servicios se proporcionan “TAL CUAL” y “SEGÚN DISPONIBILIDAD”.

COLKIE no ofrece ninguna garantía ni representación y declina toda responsabilidad por:

  1. la integridad, precisión, disponibilidad, puntualidad, seguridad o fiabilidad de la Aplicación, los Servicios, los Datos de los Fans o cualquier Contenido;
  2. cualquier daño a su sistema informático, pérdida de datos u otro daño que resulte de su acceso o uso de la Aplicación, los Servicios, los Datos de los Fans o cualquier Contenido;
  3. la eliminación o la falta de almacenamiento o transmisión de cualquier Contenido del Artista y otro Contenido mantenido, cargado o publicado por usted en la Comunidad; y
  4. si los Servicios cumplirán con sus requisitos o estarán disponibles de manera ininterrumpida, segura o libre de errores. Ningún consejo o información, ya sea oral o escrito, obtenido de COLKIE o a través de la Aplicación o los Servicios, creará garantía o representación alguna que no esté expresamente establecida aquí.



Podemos cambiar cualquier parte de estos Términos de vez en cuando. Le proporcionaremos un aviso razonable de tales cambios y la fecha en que entrarán en vigor.

Los cambios solo se aplicarán a nuestra relación en el futuro.

Puede dejar de usar la Aplicación antes de que los cambios entren en vigor. Una vez que cualquier Término actualizado esté en vigor, estará obligado por ellos si continúa utilizando sesh.

Podemos realizar cambios urgentes sin informarle previamente en las siguientes circunstancias:

  1. para reflejar cambios en las leyes y requisitos regulatorios, cuando dichos cambios no nos permitan o requieran darle un aviso razonable; y
  2. para abordar un peligro imprevisto e inminente derivado de fraude, malware, spam, violaciones de datos u otros riesgos de ciberseguridad.

Estos Términos están regidos por la legislación española.

En caso de cualquier disputa, controversia o reclamación derivada de o relacionada con este acuerdo, su interpretación, ejecución, incumplimiento, terminación o validez, las partes se esforzarán por resolverla amistosamente. Si no se logra una resolución amistosa dentro de un período razonable, todas las disputas, controversias o reclamaciones serán sometidas a la jurisdicción exclusiva de los tribunales de Madrid (España), renunciando expresamente a cualquier otra jurisdicción que pudiera aplicarse.

Si usted reside en el EEE, también puede plantear la disputa ante un organismo alternativo de resolución de disputas a través de la Aplicación de Resolución de Disputas en Línea (ODR) de la Comisión Europea.


Este Acuerdo de Corresponsabilidad (“Acuerdo”) se incorpora y forma parte de los Términos. Este Acuerdo entrará en vigor a partir de que la Comunidad es asignada al Artista (“Fecha de Entrada en Vigor del Acuerdo”).

COLKIE y el Artista son a veces referidos individualmente en este documento como una “Parte” y colectivamente como las “Partes”.

Este Acuerdo se basa en el siguiente hecho:

  1. El Artista podrá acceder y procesar Datos de los Fans una vez que COLKIE le asigne una Comunidad en sesh.
  2. El Artista Y COLKIE determinarán conjuntamente los fines y medios del procesamiento de los Datos de los Fans llevados a cabo dentro de la Comunidad.

El propósito de este Acuerdo es cumplir con el Artículo 26 del RGPD. En caso de que partes de este Acuerdo sean inválidas, nulas o inaplicables, esto no afectará la eficacia de las partes restantes de este Acuerdo. Las Partes se comprometen a reemplazar la disposición inválida con una disposición legalmente admisible que más se acerque a la intención de la disposición inválida y que mejor cumpla con los requisitos del RGPD.

  1. Ámbito de este Acuerdo

Este Acuerdo establece la asignación de roles respectivos, responsabilidades y arreglos prácticos entre las Partes para el cumplimiento de sus respectivas obligaciones de protección de datos bajo el RGPD, cuando realicen operaciones de procesamiento de Datos de los Fans en sesh como corresponsables.

La relación de corresponsabilidad se limita a las operaciones de procesamiento de datos donde las Partes determinan conjuntamente los fines y medios de procesamiento en el sentido del Art. 26 del RGPD. A saber, tales operaciones de procesamiento de datos son las indicadas en la Política de Privacidad como realizadas por COLKIE y el Artista como Corresponsables.

  1. Definiciones

A efectos de este Acuerdo, se aplicarán las definiciones establecidas en los Artículos 4 y 9 del RGPD, respectivamente. Además, también se aplicarán las siguientes definiciones:

-“Tercer País” se refiere a cualquier país que no es miembro de la Unión Europea o del Espacio Económico Europeo o cualquier organización internacional;

-“Leyes de Protección de Datos” se refiere al RGPD, así como otras disposiciones de la legislación nacional de los Estados Miembros de la UE aplicables a una Parte relevante, aprobadas en relación con la protección de datos personales, incluyendo en particular las disposiciones de la legislación nacional del respectivo Responsable;

-“Cláusula Contractual Estándar” se refiere a las cláusulas estándar de protección de datos para la transferencia de datos personales a procesadores establecidos en terceros países que no garantizan un nivel adecuado de protección de datos, como se describe en el Artículo 46 del RGPD y aprobadas por la Decisión de la Comisión Europea (UE) 2021/914 de 4 de junio de 2021 sobre cláusulas contractuales estándar para la transferencia de datos personales a terceros países en virtud del Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, según sea enmendada o reemplazada por la Comisión Europea de vez en cuando.

  1. Corresponsables

Para los fines de este Acuerdo, las Partes actúan colectivamente como Corresponsables, y cada una de ellas como Corresponsable, conforme al Artículo 28 del Artículo 26 del RGPD en relación con las actividades de procesamiento llevadas a cabo conjuntamente en sesh.

Las actividades de procesamiento realizadas por el Artista, como parte de sus funciones y fuera del ámbito del uso de sesh y/o de una Comunidad de sesh, quedan fuera del alcance de este Acuerdo.

  1. Responsabilidades, roles y relación con los interesados

Para garantizar el cumplimiento de las normas de protección de datos aplicables, cada una de las Partes deberá cumplir con los principios generales de las Leyes de Protección de Datos aplicables, incluyendo, entre otros, el Artículo 5 del RGPD y la Ley de Derechos del Consumidor de California en el Código Civil de California Sección Código de California, Código Civil - CIV § 1798.100, et seq, y las Regulaciones Finales de 2023 de la Agencia de Protección de la Privacidad de California (CPRA).

Colkie pretende permitir sólo a los fans usuarios de EE. UU. de 16 años o más unirse a la aplicación sesh. Si en algún momento, el Artista o sus agentes y/o empleados tienen motivos para creer que hay un fan usuario de EE. UU. menor de 16 años, lo notificará inmediatamente a Colkie.

4.1 Provisión de información a los Sujetos a los que se refieren los Datos

COLKIE ha publicado una Política de Privacidad para garantizar que los fans de los usuarios estén informados de los detalles de la actividad de procesamiento realizada conjuntamente en sesh. El Artista deberá procurar que dicha Política de Privacidad esté disponible para los fans de los usuarios, cuando lo requiera la ley aplicable.

En lo que respecta a las actividades fuera del ámbito de este Acuerdo, el Artista es el único responsable de cumplir con sus obligaciones como responsable individual de datos para informar a los fans de los usuarios sobre el procesamiento de sus datos personales.

4.2 Gestión de solicitudes de los Sujetos a los que se refieren los Datos

Las Partes acuerdan que el Punto de Contacto con respecto a las solicitudes de los Sujetos a los que se refieren los Datos es COLKIE. No obstante lo anterior, cualquier Sujeto al que se refieren los Datos puede ejercer sus derechos bajo el RGPD con respecto a y contra cada una de las Partes.

Las Partes cooperarán y, cuando así se les solicite, se brindarán asistencia rápida y eficiente en la gestión de cualquier solicitud de los Sujetos a los que se refieren los Datos de acuerdo con los siguientes pasos:

  1. Cuando una Parte reciba una solicitud de un Sujeto al que se refieren los Datos, debe verificar si la solicitud concierne a una operación de procesamiento realizada en sesh.
  2. Si la solicitud corresponde a una actividad de procesamiento llevada a cabo en sesh según la Política de Privacidad de sesh, las Partes acordarán gestionar la solicitud conjuntamente. Los intercambios con el/los Sujeto/s al/a los que se refieren los Datos serán gestionados únicamente por la Parte que recibe la solicitud del Sujeto al que se refieren los Datos, mientras que la otra Parte cooperará a petición de la Parte directamente involucrada.
  3. Si la Parte receptora encuentra que la solicitud concierne a una operación de procesamiento que pertenece a la Parte como único responsable del tratamiento, deberá reenviar la solicitud a esa otra Parte. La solicitud se reenviará utilizando medios seguros de transmisión y sin demora indebida, a más tardar dentro de los cinco días hábiles posteriores a su recepción. Dentro del mismo plazo, la Parte receptora informará al Sujeto al que se refieren los Datos sobre el reenvío de la solicitud y también indicará claramente a qué Parte se ha reenviado la solicitud.

4.3 Gestión de incidentes de seguridad, incluidas las violaciones de datos personales

Las Partes manejarán los incidentes de seguridad, incluidas las violaciones de datos personales, de acuerdo con sus procedimientos internos y la legislación aplicable.

En particular, las Partes se proporcionarán mutuamente asistencia rápida y eficiente según sea necesario para facilitar la identificación y manejo de cualquier incidente de seguridad, incluidas las violaciones de datos personales, vinculados al procesamiento conjunto.

Las Partes se notificarán mutuamente de lo siguiente dentro del alcance de este Acuerdo:

  1. cualquier riesgo que sea razonablemente probable que resulte en daños a la disponibilidad, confidencialidad y/o integridad de los datos personales sometidos a procesamiento conjunto;
  2. cualquier incidente de seguridad que afecte o pueda afectar a los datos personales vinculados a la operación de procesamiento conjunto;
  3. cualquier violación de datos personales (es decir, cualquier violación de la seguridad que conduzca a la destrucción, pérdida, alteración, divulgación no autorizada o acceso accidental o ilegal a datos personales sometidos a procesamiento conjunto), las posibles consecuencias de la violación de datos personales y la evaluación del riesgo para los derechos y libertades de las personas físicas, y cualquier medida tomada para abordar la violación de datos personales y mitigar el riesgo para los derechos y libertades de las personas físicas;
  4. cualquier violación de las medidas técnicas y/o organizativas de la operación de procesamiento conjunto. 

Cada Parte es responsable de gestionar todos los incidentes de seguridad, incluidas las violaciones de datos personales, que ocurran como resultado de una infracción de las obligaciones de esa Parte bajo este Acuerdo y el RGPD.

La Parte/Partes responsable/s deben documentar el incidente de seguridad (incluidas las violaciones de datos personales) y notificar a las otras Partes sin demora indebida y a más tardar dentro de las 48 horas posteriores a la toma de conocimiento de un incidente de seguridad (incluida una violación de datos personales). La Parte responsable de gestionar un incidente de violación de datos personales debe crear y mantener registros apropiados del incidente y notificarlo a la autoridad nacional de supervisión competente sin demora indebida y, cuando sea posible, no más tarde de 72 horas después de haber tenido conocimiento de la violación de datos personales, a menos que la violación de datos personales sea improbable que resulte en un riesgo para los derechos y libertades de las personas físicas. La Parte responsable debe informar a las otras Partes de dicha notificación.

La Parte responsable de la violación de datos personales debe comunicar esa violación de datos personales a los Sujetos a los que se refieren los Datos afectados si es probable que la violación de datos personales resulte en un alto riesgo para los derechos y libertades de las personas físicas. La Parte responsable debe informar a las otras Partes de dicha comunicación. La comunicación a los Sujetos a los que se refieren los Datos mencionada en el párrafo anterior no será necesaria si se cumple alguna de las condiciones enumeradas en el Artículo 34(3) del RGPD.

4.4 Responsabilidad por la seguridad del procesamiento

Cada parte debe implementar medidas técnicas apropiadas para garantizar la seguridad del procesamiento de datos personales en sesh conforme al Artículo 32 del RGPD.

El acceso a los datos personales almacenados en el dominio seguro de sesh sometidos a procesamiento conjunto solo será permitido al personal autorizado/usuarios autorizados de las Partes, para los fines de administrar los datos y llevar a cabo la operación de procesamiento.

4.5 Procesadores

Para algunos propósitos de procesamiento de los Datos de los Fans, hay terceros involucrados que actúan como procesadores en nombre de las Partes. Es responsabilidad de ambas Partes asegurar el cumplimiento de las leyes aplicables (en particular, el RGPD) al nombrar un procesador.

El Artista otorga por la presente el derecho a COLKIE para decidir cambiar y añadir encargados en nombre de las Partes y otorga el derecho a COLKIE para celebrar acuerdos contractuales en nombre de ambas Partes cuando esto sea requerido bajo las leyes aplicables (en particular, el RGPD).

Los acuerdos contractuales ya existentes entre COLKIE y terceros también se aplicarán al procesamiento de Datos de los Fans en el ámbito de la responsabilidad conjunta de las Partes.

  1. Otras responsabilidades

Sin perjuicio de las obligaciones de los Corresponsables que puedan ser aplicables bajo el RGPD o las leyes nacionales aplicables a las Partes, las Partes serán responsables de lo siguiente:

  1. Registrar la operación de procesamiento;
  2. Asegurar que los Datos de los Fans sometidos a procesamiento sean adecuados, precisos, relevantes y limitados a lo que es necesario para el propósito;
  3. Garantizar una información y comunicación transparente a los Sujetos a los que se refieren los Datos sobre sus derechos;
  4. Facilitar el ejercicio oportuno de los derechos de los Sujetos a los que se refieren los Datos;
  5. Manipular las solicitudes de los Sujetos a los que se refieren los Datos de acuerdo con el procedimiento adoptado;
  6. Decidir restringir la aplicación de, o derogarse de los derechos de los Sujetos a los que se refieren los Datos, cuando sea necesario y proporcionado, de acuerdo con las reglas internas adoptadas por la Parte en cumplimiento del RGPD y las leyes estatales y federales de EE.UU.;
  7. Garantizar la privacidad por diseño y la privacidad por defecto;
  8. Identificar y evaluar la legalidad, necesidad y proporcionalidad de las transmisiones y transferencias de los Datos de los Fans;
  9. Llevar a cabo una evaluación de impacto de protección de datos, cuando sea necesario;
  10. Realizar una consulta previa con la autoridad nacional de supervisión competente, cuando sea necesario; 
  11. Cuando los Datos de los Fans se transfieran fuera del EEE/Reino Unido, tomar las salvaguardas adecuadas para garantizar que los Datos de los Fans permanezcan protegidos de acuerdo con el RGPD, incluyendo:
  1. Asegurar que las personas autorizadas para procesar los Datos de los Fans se hayan comprometido a mantener la confidencialidad o estén bajo una obligación legal apropiada de confidencialidad;
  2. Cooperar con la autoridad nacional de supervisión competente, a solicitud, en el desempeño de sus funciones.

  1. Cooperación 

Cada Parte, cuando así lo solicite, proporcionará una asistencia rápida y eficiente a la otra Parte en la ejecución de este Acuerdo, cumpliendo con todos los requisitos aplicables del RGPD, la CPRA y las regulaciones, y otras reglas nacionales o estatales aplicables sobre protección de datos.

  1. Responsabilidad

La responsabilidad de las Partes por incumplimientos de este Acuerdo está generalmente gobernada por las leyes de protección de datos aplicables (particularmente, el RGPD). COLKIE no es responsable de los daños materiales e inmateriales causados exclusivamente por el Artista al incumplir este Acuerdo o las leyes aplicables (particularmente, el RGPD) y tiene el derecho de buscar compensación por tales daños del Artista. En caso de que una autoridad de supervisión o un sujeto al que se refieren los datos busque compensación de COLKIE por un incumplimiento de las leyes aplicables causado exclusivamente por el Artista, COLKIE tiene el derecho de recibir del Artista una compensación adecuada, al menos en la cantidad que COLKIE pagó a las autoridades de supervisión y a los sujetos a los que se refieren los datos.

  1. Reconocimiento de este acuerdo por parte de los Fans

En cumplimiento con la legislación aplicable de protección de datos, un resumen de las declaraciones contenidas en este Acuerdo se mostrará en sesh a través de un hipervínculo contenido en la Política de Privacidad de sesh.

  1. Inicio y terminación

Este Acuerdo entrará en vigor al obtener una Cuenta de Artista y aceptar estos Términos, y se concluye por un período indefinido y al menos mientras las Partes realicen el procesamiento de Datos de los Fans como corresponsables del tratamiento.

Cada una de las Partes tiene el derecho de terminar este Acuerdo. El Artista puede terminar este Acuerdo cerrando la Cuenta de Artista.

Al finalizar los Términos con COLKIE, este Acuerdo también se dará por terminado.

COLKIE puede terminar este Acuerdo de acuerdo con los Términos.

  1. Enmiendas

Dentro de los límites de las leyes aplicables, para cualquier enmienda a este Acuerdo, el Artista será informado antes de que la enmienda entre en vigor o, en el caso de una enmienda más sustancial (por ejemplo, enmiendas que aumenten las obligaciones, afecten las funcionalidades principales de la Aplicación), por correo electrónico antes de que la enmienda entre en vigor.

Si el Artista no está de acuerdo con alguna de las enmiendas propuestas, puede optar por eliminar su Cuenta de Artista.

Terms and Conditions for Artists

Last updated: April 2024

These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern the use of sesh (also referred to as the “App”), including sesh features and functionalities such as Communities, Sessions, APIs and Streaming Parties (“Services”), by Artists (as defined in Section 1 below).


If any provision of these Terms is determined by a court to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision is deemed severable from these Terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

This document has been drafted in English and is provided to Artists in different languages, based on their geographic location. In the event of disputes or litigation, all versions shall be deemed authentic, but for legal purposes the text in English is to be given priority of interpretation.

  1. Definitions
Artist shall mean an individual or group engaged in the creation, performance, and production of music, owning an Artist Account and a Community of Fans in sesh (also referred to as “you” or “your”).
Artist Account shall mean an account owned by an Artist in sesh.
Artist Content shall mean any material uploaded by an Artist within his/her Community or using the Services, including any photos, videos, audio, livestream material, data, comments, hashtag, images, emojis, GIFs, memes, and any other material whatsoever.
Artist Data shall means any information relating to an Artist when signing up and using sesh.
Content shall mean any Content in sesh, whether Fan Content or Artist Content.
Community shall mean where a virtual space owned by an Artist, in which Artist Content is offered to Fans and where Fans can engage with one another through interactions.
Fan shall mean an individual owning a User Account in sesh and who has requested COLKIE to join a Community to view the Artist Content within the Community.
Fan Account shall mean an account owned by a Fan in sesh.
Fan Content shall mean any material uploaded in sesh by a Fan, including any photos, videos, audio, livestream material, data, comments, hashtag, images, emojis, GIFs, memes, and any other material whatsoever.
Fan Data shall means any information relating to a Fan when signing up and using sesh.
Session shall mean an online space created by the Artist within his/her own Community, in which temporary Artist Content is offered to Fans or a specific group of Fans.
User(s) shall mean any user of sesh, either Fan or Artist.
User Account shall mean any account created by an individual in sesh, either Fan or Artist.

  1. About these Terms 

By assenting to these Terms, you agree to be legally bound by these Terms, which will constitute a contract between you and COLKIE TECHNOLOGY S.L., with Company Number B05387345 and registered office at Calle General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003 - Madrid ("COLKIE", “we”, “us” or “our”). Our User Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Guidelines forms part of this Terms and you agree to them when accepting these Terms.

The individual, company or other legal entity accepting these Terms on behalf of you, represents and warrants that he or she has full authority to bind you to this Terms.

If you are accepting these Terms on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so and have the authority to bind such entity to these Terms, in which case the words “you” and “your” as used in these Terms shall refer to such entity.



  1. Contact Details 

sesh is operated by COLKIE. To contact us with any questions about the use of sesh, please email us at support@joinsesh.app . If you are unable to contact us by email, please write to us at the following address: C / General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003, Madrid, Spain.

  1. How can I get an Artist Account and a Community in sesh

4.1 Artist Account application requirements

In order to get an Artist Account, you must first create a User Account on sesh. 

To convert your User Account into an Artist Account, you need to submit your application for an Artist Account on our Artist Registration Page. We will require you to provide us your name, email address and link to your Spotify Account. 

When you submit an application for an Artist Account, you confirm that the information which you submit to us is truthful, accurate and complete and that the Spotify Account belongs to you. You also confirm that your User Account was not terminated or suspended by us because you violated User Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Guidelines or any other terms or policies.

You will be allowed to have only one Artist Account on sesh. However, if we block your original Artist Account because someone unlawfully took it over, you can submit an application for a new Artist Account for yourself.

4.2 Verification

We will verify that you are the individual requesting an Artist Account. We may require to you to provide additional information about your career, among others:

  1. music tracks, videos, or any other relevant multimedia creations;
  2. links to your official website, social media profiles, or other online platforms where your work is showcased;
  3. proof of concerts or performances, if available;
  4. testimonials or references from reputable sources within your industry;
  5. evidence of awards, recognition, or achievements related to your artistic career.

4.3 Rejected applications

Your application may be rejected for the following reason(s):

  1. Incomplete or inaccurate information regarding your career.
  2. The information provided doesn't appear authentic or genuine.
  3. Your User Account or its associated Content violates User Terms and Conditions of Use and/or Community Guidelines and/or applicable laws.
  4. Insufficient engagement or following.
  5. Duplicate accounts.
  6. Suspicions of fraudulent activity, including spamming and bot-like behavior.

If you do not meet the above requirements, If there’s a good reason to believe that the information you provide is incomplete or incorrect, or if you don’t cooperate with our requests, we may reject your application.

4.4 Creation of your Community

Once the verification process is completed, we will create a Community in sesh for you. Within the Community assigned to you, you will be able to share Artist Content with your Fans. 

Please note that COLKIE will grant to you a unique access to an external platform in which you will be able to access and process, jointly with us, Fans personal data.

  1. Misuse of sesh  

You agree you will not misuse the app or the Services. You agree you will not:

You also may not do any of the following while accessing or using the app:

It is also a violation of these Terms to facilitate or assist others in violating these Terms, including by distributing products or services that enable or encourage violation of these Terms.

  1. Misuse of sesh  

You agree you will not misuse the app or the Services. You agree you will not:

You also may not do any of the following while accessing or using the app:

It is also a violation of these Terms to facilitate or assist others in violating these Terms, including by distributing products or services that enable or encourage violation of these Terms.

  1. Artist Content

Artist Content shall not be considered in any case confidential. You authorize Fans belonging to your Community to access and view your Artist Content for their own lawful and personal use, and/or in accordance with any other licenses that you eventually grant to them.

6.1 Warranties

You warrant (which means that you make a legally enforceable promise to us) that:

  1. You own the Artist Content (and all intellectual property rights in it) you post, display, upload or publish or you have a valid license to post, display, upload or publish it on the Community assigned to you or in sesh;
  2. Artist Content posted, displayed, uploaded or published by you on sesh comply in full these Terms and our Community Guidelines;
  3. if your Content includes or uses any third-party material, you have secured all rights, licenses, written consents and releases that are necessary for the use of such third-party property in sesh and for the subsequent use of that Content on sesh; and
  4. the Content is of satisfactory quality, taking account of any description and all other relevant circumstances including any statement or representation which you make about the nature of the Content on your account or in any advertising;

You agree that you will be liable to us and indemnify us if any of the warranties is untrue. This means you will be responsible for any loss or damage (including loss of profit) we may suffer as a result of any of the warranties being untrue.

We are not responsible for and do not endorse any aspect of Artist Content posted by you on sesh. We do not have any obligation to monitor any Content and have no direct control over what your Artist Content may comprise.

6.2 Interactions with Fans

When interacting with Fans that have joined your Community, you must not upload, post, display, or publish Artist Content that:

  1. is illegal, fraudulent, defamatory, hateful, discriminatory, threatening or harassing, or which encourages or promotes violence or any illegal activity;
  2. shows, includes or refers to minors; 
  3. shows, includes or refers to other individuals, unless you have written documentation which confirms that all individuals shown or included or referred to in your Artist Content have provided consent to you for the use of their name or images (or other personal information) in sesh;
  4. promotes, advertises or refers to firearms, weapons, goods whose sale, possession or use is subject to prohibitions or restrictions, drugs, self-harm or suicide, bestiality, sex, violence, rape, hypnosis, intoxication, torture, abuse, prostitution;
  5. causes or is calculated to cause inconvenience, or anxiety to anyone or which is likely to upset, embarrass, or cause serious offence;
  6. contains, promotes, advertises or refers to hate speech;
  7. vilifies, humiliates, dehumanizes, excludes, attacks and threatens other individuals;
  8. incite hatred, fear of, or violence against, a group or individual based on race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, caste, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, serious disease, veteran status, or any other protected characteristics;
  9. contains or refers to personal, private or confidential information of other people;

6.3 Corrective Actions

We reserve the right, but we are not obligated, to moderate or review your Artist Content to verify compliance with these Terms and/or any applicable law. However, please note that we may decide to take any of the actions listed below if we determine that your Artist Content, and/or your Artist Account and/or activity on the App violates these Terms: 

  1. send you a warning message;
  2. request you to correct your Artist Content;
  3. correct, demote, hide or remove your Artist Content from the app;
  4. restrict your Artist Account by blocking your access to sesh, or
  5. notify local authorities about your activity if there is a threat to someone’s life or safety.

6.4 Blocking your Artist Account

We reserve the right to temporarily block your Artist Account in the following cases:

When we say that we “block” your Artist Account, we mean that, without needing to obtain any consent from you and without giving any prior notice to you, we will temporally disable access to your Artist Account. If we block your Artist Account, you may request a review of our decision by contacting us at support@joinsesh.app

We will not be responsible for any loss suffered by you arising from the block of your Artist Account or any other steps which we take in good faith to investigate any suspected non-compliance or unlawfulness of your Artist Content.

6.5 Termination

We reserve the right in our sole discretion to terminate your Artist Account and definitively remove your Community, as well as the Artist Content published therein, without prior notice, in the following cases:

  1. you have or may have seriously or repeatedly breached any part of these Terms or attempt or threaten to breach any part of these Terms in a way which has or could have legal consequences for us or serious consequences for Users;
  2. you have created risk or possible legal exposure for us;
  3. unlawful conducts; 
  4. prolonged inactivity; or
  5. you have caused or your activity is reasonably likely to cause us to suffer a loss or that otherwise harms the reputation for us or sesh.

We can investigate any suspected or alleged misuse, abuse, or unlawful use of sesh and cooperate with law enforcement agencies or authorities in such investigation.

We can disclose any information or records in our possession or control about your use of sesh to law enforcement agencies or authorities in connection with any law enforcement investigation of any suspected or alleged illegal activity, to protect our rights or legal interests, or in response to legal process.

In all such cases, the Terms shall terminate, including, without limitation, your license to use the Services, except that the following sections shall continue to apply: Privacy, Content, Disclaimer, Limitation of Liability and Misuse of the Services. If you believe your Account was terminated in error you can send an email to support@joinsesh.app .

  1. Intellectual Property

You confirm that you own all intellectual property rights in your Artist Content or that you have obtained all necessary rights to your Artist Content which are required to grant licenses in respect of your Artist Content to us in any territory in which sesh is accessible.

You agree to grant us a license under all your Artist Content to perform any act restricted by any intellectual property right (including copyright) in such Artist Content, for any purpose reasonably related to the provision and operation of sesh. Such acts include to reproduce, make available and communicate to the public, display, perform, distribute, translate, and create adaptations or derivative works of your Artist Content, and otherwise deal in your Artist Content. The license which you grant to us is perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable, assignable and transferable by us.

  1. Your license

We give you a personal, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable and non-exclusive license to use the app and the Services. This license has the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of the Services as provided on sesh, in the manner permitted by these Terms or applicable laws. 

The App is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws. Nothing in the Terms gives you a right to use sesh trademarks, logos, domain names, other distinctive brand features, and other proprietary rights, without our permission. 

All right, title, and interest in and to the Services (excluding Artist Content and Fans Content) are and will remain our exclusive property.

  1. Data Protection

9.1 Processing of Artist Data

In relation to the processing of your Artist Data under this Terms, the data controller under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) is COLKIE TECHNOLOGY S.L., with Company Number B05387345 and registered office at Calle General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003 – Madrid.

We will process your Artist Data for the following purposes: 

  1. To enable the creation of your Artist Account.
  2. To allow us to provide the Services to you and host your Artist Content.
  3. To ensure compliance with, and enforce, these Terms.
  4. To contact you regarding updates, services, and promotions, including by SMS, provided you have opted in for such communications. You can opt out of receiving SMS at any time through the provided channels.

The legal basis is the performance of a contract (these Terms) which you are party or (Art. 6 of GDPR).

Your Artist Data will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship is maintained. Upon such period, we will keep your Artist Data blocked and prevented from being processed, except for the provision to the judges and courts, the Public Prosecutor's Office or the competent Public Administrations, in particular the data protection authorities, for the enforcement of possible liabilities arising from the processing and only during the statutory period of limitation.

We may share Artist Data with third-party service providers when such data is necessary for them to provide a service to us. We have a contract in place requiring these vendors to keep Artist Data confidential and not to use it other than in accordance with COLKIE specific instructions.

As data subject, you have the following rights regarding the processing of your Artist Data:

If you wish to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, you can at any time directly contact COLKIE by sending the appropriate request at the following addresses:

- Calle General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003 – Madrid.

- privacy@joinsesh.app 

Finally, if you are concerned about the way we have processed your Artist Data, you may complain to the supervisory authority (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos www.aepd.es).

9.2 Processing of Fan Data

We will assign a Community to you and transfer Fan Data to you as part of the Services. 

When you use the App and conduct processing activities involving Fan Data as data subjects, some of those data processing operations are carried out as joint controllers together with us in the sense of Art. 26 para. 1 sentence 1 of GDPR. Data processing activities carried out jointly carried out with us are described in our Privacy Policy. 

By accepting these Terms, you agree to the responsibilities for compliance with the obligations set out within the “Joint Controllership Agreement” incorporated as an Annex to these Terms.

9.3 Other processing activities

You will be allowed to carry out other processing operations regarding Fan Data as independent data controller. You agree that such independent processing activities are not covered by these Terms and that you are solely responsible for compliance with GDPR and other data protection laws.

If required by applicable data protection or privacy laws, you must have a privacy policy in place and inform Fans. 

Data processing activities carried out by us independently are described in our Privacy Policy. 

Regarding U.S. fans, you will not collect, share or otherwise use the personal information/data of any User fan under the age of 16 without following the applicable federal or state laws in the United States regarding obtaining the consent of the fan and/or their parent or legal guardian.

9.4 Compliance with CPRA requirements

Pursuant to the CPRA and the final regulations enacted by the California Privacy Protection Agency (called "regulations”), the Parties agree as follows:

  1. The Parties prohibit each other from selling or sharing personal information they collect pursuant to this Terms. 
  2. The Parties agree that the specific purposes for which the parties to this Terms shall process personal information, are as follows:
  1. To let users interact and post their contents within a Community.
  2. To record and rate the number of interactions users make within the Community, award them with exclusive content and other rewards and deliver them such rewards.
  3. To collect personal data related to users on external music streaming Apps (such as Spotify) and enable them to participate to Streaming Parties.
  4. To manage the purchase and shipment of Products that the user purchase through the app.
  1. The Parties agree to limit their use of any user’s personal information that they collect pursuant to this Terms for any purpose other than purposes expressly described in this Terms. 
  1. The Parties agree not to retain, use or disclose any user’s personal information they collect pursuant to this Terms for any commercial purpose other than the purposes specified in this Terms, unless expressly permitted by the CPRA or the regulations. 
  2. The Parties agree not to retain, use, or disclose the personal information that they collect pursuant to this Terms outside the direct business relationship between the Parties, unless expressly permitted by the CPRA or the regulations. For example, the Parties are prohibited from combining or updating personal information that it collects pursuant to this Terms  with the personal information that it receives from another source or collects from its own interaction with the consumer, unless expressly permitted by the CPRA or the regulations. 
  3. The Parties agree to comply with all applicable sections of the CPRA and the regulations, including—with respect to the personal information that it collects pursuant to this Terms to provide the same level of privacy protection as required of Businesses by the CPRA and the regulations. For example, this Terms requires the Parties to cooperate with each other in responding to and complying with consumers’ requests made pursuant to the CPRA, and to implement reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the personal information to protect the personal information from unauthorized or illegal access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure in accordance with California Civil Code section 1798.81.5
  4. The Parties agree to grant each other the right to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure that other Party to this Terms, uses the personal information that it collects pursuant to this Terms in a manner consistent with the business’s obligations under the CPRA and the regulations. Reasonable and appropriate steps may include ongoing manual reviews and automated scans of a Party or a service provider’s system and regular internal or third-party assessments, audits, or other technical and operational testing at least once every 12 months.  
  5. The Parties agree to notify each other Party after it makes a determination that it can no longer meet its obligations under the CPRA and the regulations. 
  6. The Parties agree to grant each other Party the right, upon notice, to take reasonable and appropriate steps to stop and remediate any unauthorized use of personal information. 
  7. For example, one Party may require the other Party or any service provider or contractor to provide documentation that verifies that they no longer retain or use the personal information of consumers that have made a valid request to delete with the business. 
  8. The Parties agree to assist and enable each Party to comply with consumer requests made pursuant to the CPRA.
  1. Each of the Parties, and any and all service providers or contractors that subcontracts to provide services to the Parties, shall have a written contract with that complies with the CPRA and the regulations, including binding all service providers and contractors to all of the terms set forth in this Terms subsection (a) above. 
  2.  Whether a Party conducts due diligence of the other Party to this Terms, or any service providers and contractors factors into whether the Party has reason to believe that a Party, service provider or contractor is using personal information in violation of the CPRA and these regulations. For example, depending on the circumstances, a Party that never enforces the terms of the contract nor exercises its rights to audit or test the other Party or a service provider’s or contractor’s systems might not be able to rely on the defense that it did not have reason to believe that the service provider or contractor intends to use the personal information in violation of the CPRA and these regulations at the time the Party disclosed the personal information to the service provider or contractor.

  1. Account Deleting

You may delete your Artist Account at any time and free of charge by using the Account Configuration section in the App.

Once your Artist Account and the Community assigned to you has been deleted, you will not have access to your former Artist Account, your Artist Content and Fan Data. 

You will receive an email confirmation upon the successful deletion of your Artist Account. 

Once your Artist Account has been deleted, we may deal with your Artist Content in any appropriate manner in accordance with these Terms and the Joint Controllership Agreement and you will no longer be entitled to access your Artist Content.

  1. Disclaimer

Your access to and use of your Artist Account, the App, the Services, the Fan Data or any Content are at your own risk. You understand and agree that the App and the Services are provided to you on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. 

COLKIE make no warranty or representation and disclaim all responsibility and liability for:

  1. the completeness, accuracy, availability, timeliness, security or reliability of the App, of the Services, of Fan Data or of any Content; 
  2. any harm to your computer system, loss of data, or other harm that results from your access to or use of the App, of the Services, of Fan Data or of any Content; 
  3. the deletion of, or the failure to store or to transmit, any Artist Content and other Content maintained, uploaded or published by you in the Community; and 
  4. whether the Services will meet your requirements or be available on an uninterrupted, secure, or error-free basis. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained from COLKIE or through the App or the Services, will create any warranty or representation not expressly made herein.

  1. Limitation of Liability



  1. How we may change these Terms:

We may change any part of these Terms from time to time. We will give you reasonable advance notice of such changes and the date that they will come into force. 

The changes will only apply to our relationship going forward. 

You may stop using the App before the changes take effect. Once any updated Terms are in effect, you will be bound by them if you continue to use sesh.

We may make urgent changes without telling you beforehand in the following circumstances:

  1. to reflect changes in laws and regulatory requirements, where such changes do not allow or require us to give reasonable notice to you; and
  2. to address an unforeseen and imminent danger deriving fraud, malware, spam, data breaches or other cybersecurity risks.

  1. Disputes

These Terms are governed by Spanish Law.  

In the event of any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to this agreement, its interpretation, performance, breach, termination, or validity, the parties shall endeavor to resolve it amicably. If an amicable resolution is not achieved within a reasonable period, all disputes, controversies, or claims shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Madrid (Spain), expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply.

If you are resident in the EEA, you can also raise the dispute with an alternative dispute resolution body via the EU Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) App.


This Joint Controllership Agreement (“Agreement”) is incorporated to and forms part of the Terms. This Agreement will enter into force as of the Community in assigned to the Artist (“Agreement Effective Date”).

COLKIE and the Artist are sometimes referred to herein individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties".

This Agreement is based on the following fact: 

  1. The Artist will be able to access and process Fan Data since a Community is assigned to him/her by COLKIE in sesh. 
  2. The Artist AND COLKIE will jointly determine the purposes and means of the processing of Fan Data carried within the Community. 

The purpose of this Agreement is to comply with Article 26 of GDPR. In the case that parts of this Agreement are invalid, void or unenforceable, this shall not affect the effectiveness of the remaining parts of this Agreement. The Parties commit themselves to replace the invalid provision with a legally admissible provision that comes closest to the intention of the invalid provision and best meets the requirements of GDPR.

  1. Scope of this Agreement

This Agreement sets out the allocation of respective roles, responsibilities and practical arrangements between the Parties for compliance with their respective data protection obligations under GDPR, when carrying out processing operations of Fan Data in sesh as joint controllers.

The joint controllership relationship is limited to data processing operations where Parties jointly determining purposes and means of processing in the meaning of Art. 26 of GDPR. Namely, such data processing operations are the one indicated in the Privacy Policy as conducted by COLKIE and the Artist as Joint Controllers.

  1. Definitions

For the purposes of this Agreement, the definitions laid down in Article 4 and 9 of GDPR, respectively, shall apply. Additionally the following definitions shall also apply:

-“Third Country” shall mean any country that is not a member of the European Union or the European Economic Area or any international organization;

-“Data Protection Laws” shall mean the GDPR as well as other provisions of EU Member State’s national law applicable to a relevant Party, passed in relation to personal data protection, including in particular the provisions of the given Controller’s national law;

-“Standard Contractual Clause” shall mean the standard data protection clauses for the transfer of personal data to processors established in third countries which do not ensure an adequate level of data protection, as described in Article 46 of the GDPR and approved by the European Commission Decision (EU) 2021/914 of 4 June 2021 on standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council as may be amended or replaced by the European Commission from time to time.

  1. Joint controllers 

For the purpose of this Agreement, the Parties act collectively as Joint Controllers, and each of them as a Joint Controller, pursuant to Article 28 of Article 26 of GDPR in relation to the processing activities jointly carried out in sesh. 

The processing activities performed by the Artist, as part of his/her remit and out of the scope of the use of sesh and/or a Community of sesh, fall outside the scope of this Agreement. 

  1. Responsibilities, roles and relationship towards data subjects 

In order to guarantee compliance with applicable data protection rules, each of the Parties shall comply with the general principles of applicable Data Protection Laws, including, among other, Article 5 of GDPR and  the California Consumer Rights Act at California Civil Code Section California Code, Civil Code - CIV § 1798.100, et seq, and the 2023 Final Regulations by the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPRA). 

Colkie intends to allow only U.S. user fans age 16 and older to join the sesh app. If at any time, the Artists or its agents and/or employees have reason to believe there is a U.S. user fan under the age of 16, it will immediately notify Colkie.

4.1 Provision of information to Data Subjects

COLKIE has published a Privacy Policy to ensure that users’ fans are informed of the details of the processing activity jointly carried out in sesh. Artist shall procure to have such Privacy Policy available to users’ fans, when required by applicable law.

As regards the activities out of the scope of this Agreement, Artist is solely responsible to comply with its obligations as an individual data controller to inform users’ fans about the processing of their personal data.

4.2 Handling of Data Subject requests

Parties agrees that the Point of Contact with respect of Data Subjects requests is COLKIE. Notwithstanding with the above, any Data Subjects may exercise their rights under GDPR in respect of and against each of the Parties. 

The Parties shall cooperate and, when so requested, provide each other with swift and efficient assistance in handling any Data Subject requests in accordance with the following steps:

  1. When a Party receives a Data Subject request, it must check whether the request concerns a processing operation carried out in sesh.
  2. If the request falls under a processing activity carried out in sesh as per sesh Privacy Policy, then the Parties shall agree handle the request together. Exchanges with the Data Subject(s) shall be handled solely by the Party receiving the Data Subject request, whilst the other Party shall cooperate upon request of the Party directly involved. 
  3. If the receiving Party finds that the request concerns a processing operation which belong to the Party as solely data controller, it shall forward the request to that other Party. The request shall be forwarded by using secure means of transmission and without undue delay, at the latest within five working days of its receipt. Within the same deadline, the receiving Party shall inform the Data Subject about forwarding the request and also clearly state to which Party has the request been forwarded.

4.3 Management of security incidents, including personal data breaches

The Parties shall handle security incidents, including personal data breaches, in accordance with their internal procedures and applicable legislation. 

The Parties shall in particular provide each other with swift and efficient assistance as required to facilitate the identification and handling of any security incidents, including personal data breaches, linked to the joint processing. 

The Parties shall notify each other of the following within the scope of this Agreement: 

  1. any risks that are reasonably likely to result in damage to the availability, confidentiality and/or integrity of the personal data undergoing joint processing; 
  2. any security incidents actually or potentially affecting personal data that are linked to the joint processing operation; 
  3. any personal data breach (i.e. any breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to personal data undergoing joint processing), the likely consequences of the personal data breach and the assessment of the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, and any measures taken to address the personal data breach and mitigate the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons; 
  4. any breach of the technical and/or organizational safeguards of the joint processing operation. 

Each Party is responsible for managing all security incidents, including personal data breaches, that occur as a result of an infringement of that Party’s obligations under this Agreement and GDPR. 

The responsible Party/ies shall document the security incident (including personal data breaches) and notify the other Parties without undue delay and at the latest within 48 hours after becoming aware of a security incident (including a personal data breach). The Party responsible for managing a personal data breach incident shall create and maintain appropriate records of the incident and notify it to the competent national supervisory authority without undue delay and, where feasible, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of the personal data breach, unless the personal data breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. The Party responsible shall inform the other Parties of such notification. 

The Party, responsible for the personal data breach, shall communicate that personal data breach to the Data Subjects concerned if the personal data breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. The Party responsible shall inform the other Parties of such communication. The communication to the Data Subjects referred to the previous paragraph shall not be necessary if any of the conditions listed in Article 34(3) of GDPR are met. 

4.4 Responsibility for the security of processing

Each party shall implement appropriate technical measures to ensure the security of processing personal data in sesh pursuant to Article 32 of GDPR. 

Access to personal data stored in the secure domain of sesh undergoing joint processing shall only be allowed to authorized staff/personnel/authorized users of the Parties, for the purposes of administering the data carry out the processing operation. 

4.5 Processors

For some purposes of processing of Fan Data there are third parties involved that act as processors on behalf of the Parties. It is the responsibility of both Parties to ensure compliance with applicable laws (particularly, the GDPR) when appointing a processor. 

Artist hereby grants the right to COLKIE to decide to change and add processors in the name of the Parties and grant the right to COLKIE to enter into contractual agreements in the name of both Parties where this is required under applicable laws (particularly, the GDPR). 

Already existing contractual agreements between COLKIE and third parties shall also apply to the processing of Fan Data in scope of the joint controllership of the Parties.

  1. Other responsibilities 

Without prejudice to obligations of Joint Controllers that may be applicable under GDPR or national laws applicable to the Parties, Parties shall be responsible for the following: 

  1. Recording of the processing operation; 
  2. Ensuring that the Fan Data undergoing processing are adequate, accurate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purpose; 
  3. Ensuring a transparent information and communication to Data Subjects of their rights; 
  4. Facilitating the timely exercise of the rights of Data Subjects; 
  5. Handling of Data Subjects’ requests in accordance with the procedure adopted;
  6. Deciding to restrict the application of, or derogate from Data Subject rights, where necessary and proportionate, in accordance with internal rules adopted by the Party in compliance with GDPR and U.S. state and federal laws
  7. Ensuring privacy by design and privacy by default; 
  8. Identifying and assessing the lawfulness, necessity and proportionality of transmissions and transfers of Fan Data; 
  9. Carrying out a data protection impact assessment, where necessary; 
  10. Carrying out a prior consultation with the competent national supervisory authority, where needed; 
  11. Where Fan Data are transferred outside the EEA/UK, take appropriate safeguards to require that Fan Data remain protected according to GDPR, including:
  1. Ensuring that persons authorized to process Fan Data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality; 
  2. Cooperating with the competent national supervisory authority, on request, in the performance of his or her tasks. 

  1. Cooperation 

Each Party, when so requested, shall provide a swift and efficient assistance to the other Party in execution of this Agreement, while complying with all applicable requirements of GDPR, the CPRA and regulations, and other applicable national or state rules on data protection. 

  1. Liability

The liability of the Parties for breaches of this Agreement, is generally governed by applicable data protection laws (particularly, GDPR). COLKIE is not liable for material and immaterial damages caused exclusively by the Artist breaching this Agreement or applicable laws (particularly, the GDPR) and has the right to seek compensation for such damages from the Artist. In case a supervisory authority or data subject seeks compensation from COLKIE for a breach of applicable laws caused exclusively by the Artist, COLKIE has the right to receive from the Artist an adequate compensation, at least in the amount COLKIE paid towards supervisory authorities and data subjects.

  1. Acknowledgement of this agreement by Fans 

In compliance with applicable data protection legislation, a resume of the statements contained in this Agreement will be displayed in sesh through a hyperlink contained in sesh Privacy Policy. 

  1. Commencement and termination

This Agreement shall become effective upon getting an Artist Account and acceptance of these Terms and is concluded for an indefinite period and at least as long as the Parties carry out processing of Fan Data as joint controllers. 

Each of the Parties has the right to terminate this Agreement. Artist may terminate this agreement by closing the Artist Account. 

Upon termination of Terms with COLKIE, this Agreement shall also be terminated. 

COLKIE may terminate this Agreement in accordance with the Terms.

  1. Amendments

Within the limits of applicable laws, for any amendment to this Agreement Artist will be informed before the amendment takes effect or, in the event of a more substantial amendment (for example, amendments that increase obligations, impact on main functionalities of the App), by email before the amendment takes effect. 

If the Artist disagree with any of the proposed amendments, he/she may choose to delete his/her Artist Account.

Terms and Conditions for Artists

Last updated: April 2024

These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern the use of sesh (also referred to as the “App”), including sesh features and functionalities such as Communities, Sessions, APIs and Streaming Parties (“Services”), by Artists (as defined in Section 1 below).


If any provision of these Terms is determined by a court to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision is deemed severable from these Terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

This document has been drafted in English and is provided to Artists in different languages, based on their geographic location. In the event of disputes or litigation, all versions shall be deemed authentic, but for legal purposes the text in English is to be given priority of interpretation.

  1. Definitions
Artist shall mean an individual or group engaged in the creation, performance, and production of music, owning an Artist Account and a Community of Fans in sesh (also referred to as “you” or “your”).
Artist Account shall mean an account owned by an Artist in sesh.
Artist Content shall mean any material uploaded by an Artist within his/her Community or using the Services, including any photos, videos, audio, livestream material, data, comments, hashtag, images, emojis, GIFs, memes, and any other material whatsoever.
Artist Data shall means any information relating to an Artist when signing up and using sesh.
Content shall mean any Content in sesh, whether Fan Content or Artist Content.
Community shall mean where a virtual space owned by an Artist, in which Artist Content is offered to Fans and where Fans can engage with one another through interactions.
Fan shall mean an individual owning a User Account in sesh and who has requested COLKIE to join a Community to view the Artist Content within the Community.
Fan Account shall mean an account owned by a Fan in sesh.
Fan Content shall mean any material uploaded in sesh by a Fan, including any photos, videos, audio, livestream material, data, comments, hashtag, images, emojis, GIFs, memes, and any other material whatsoever.
Fan Data shall means any information relating to a Fan when signing up and using sesh.
Session shall mean an online space created by the Artist within his/her own Community, in which temporary Artist Content is offered to Fans or a specific group of Fans.
User(s) shall mean any user of sesh, either Fan or Artist.
User Account shall mean any account created by an individual in sesh, either Fan or Artist.

  1. About these Terms 

By assenting to these Terms, you agree to be legally bound by these Terms, which will constitute a contract between you and COLKIE TECHNOLOGY S.L., with Company Number B05387345 and registered office at Calle General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003 - Madrid ("COLKIE", “we”, “us” or “our”). Our User Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Guidelines forms part of this Terms and you agree to them when accepting these Terms.

The individual, company or other legal entity accepting these Terms on behalf of you, represents and warrants that he or she has full authority to bind you to this Terms.

If you are accepting these Terms on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so and have the authority to bind such entity to these Terms, in which case the words “you” and “your” as used in these Terms shall refer to such entity.



  1. Contact Details 

sesh is operated by COLKIE. To contact us with any questions about the use of sesh, please email us at support@joinsesh.app . If you are unable to contact us by email, please write to us at the following address: C / General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003, Madrid, Spain.

  1. How can I get an Artist Account and a Community in sesh

4.1 Artist Account application requirements

In order to get an Artist Account, you must first create a User Account on sesh. 

To convert your User Account into an Artist Account, you need to submit your application for an Artist Account on our Artist Registration Page. We will require you to provide us your name, email address and link to your Spotify Account. 

When you submit an application for an Artist Account, you confirm that the information which you submit to us is truthful, accurate and complete and that the Spotify Account belongs to you. You also confirm that your User Account was not terminated or suspended by us because you violated User Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Guidelines or any other terms or policies.

You will be allowed to have only one Artist Account on sesh. However, if we block your original Artist Account because someone unlawfully took it over, you can submit an application for a new Artist Account for yourself.

4.2 Verification

We will verify that you are the individual requesting an Artist Account. We may require to you to provide additional information about your career, among others:

  1. music tracks, videos, or any other relevant multimedia creations;
  2. links to your official website, social media profiles, or other online platforms where your work is showcased;
  3. proof of concerts or performances, if available;
  4. testimonials or references from reputable sources within your industry;
  5. evidence of awards, recognition, or achievements related to your artistic career.

4.3 Rejected applications

Your application may be rejected for the following reason(s):

  1. Incomplete or inaccurate information regarding your career.
  2. The information provided doesn't appear authentic or genuine.
  3. Your User Account or its associated Content violates User Terms and Conditions of Use and/or Community Guidelines and/or applicable laws.
  4. Insufficient engagement or following.
  5. Duplicate accounts.
  6. Suspicions of fraudulent activity, including spamming and bot-like behavior.

If you do not meet the above requirements, If there’s a good reason to believe that the information you provide is incomplete or incorrect, or if you don’t cooperate with our requests, we may reject your application.

4.4 Creation of your Community

Once the verification process is completed, we will create a Community in sesh for you. Within the Community assigned to you, you will be able to share Artist Content with your Fans. 

Please note that COLKIE will grant to you a unique access to an external platform in which you will be able to access and process, jointly with us, Fans personal data.

  1. Misuse of sesh  

You agree you will not misuse the app or the Services. You agree you will not:

You also may not do any of the following while accessing or using the app:

It is also a violation of these Terms to facilitate or assist others in violating these Terms, including by distributing products or services that enable or encourage violation of these Terms.

  1. Misuse of sesh  

You agree you will not misuse the app or the Services. You agree you will not:

You also may not do any of the following while accessing or using the app:

It is also a violation of these Terms to facilitate or assist others in violating these Terms, including by distributing products or services that enable or encourage violation of these Terms.

  1. Artist Content

Artist Content shall not be considered in any case confidential. You authorize Fans belonging to your Community to access and view your Artist Content for their own lawful and personal use, and/or in accordance with any other licenses that you eventually grant to them.

6.1 Warranties

You warrant (which means that you make a legally enforceable promise to us) that:

  1. You own the Artist Content (and all intellectual property rights in it) you post, display, upload or publish or you have a valid license to post, display, upload or publish it on the Community assigned to you or in sesh;
  2. Artist Content posted, displayed, uploaded or published by you on sesh comply in full these Terms and our Community Guidelines;
  3. if your Content includes or uses any third-party material, you have secured all rights, licenses, written consents and releases that are necessary for the use of such third-party property in sesh and for the subsequent use of that Content on sesh; and
  4. the Content is of satisfactory quality, taking account of any description and all other relevant circumstances including any statement or representation which you make about the nature of the Content on your account or in any advertising;

You agree that you will be liable to us and indemnify us if any of the warranties is untrue. This means you will be responsible for any loss or damage (including loss of profit) we may suffer as a result of any of the warranties being untrue.

We are not responsible for and do not endorse any aspect of Artist Content posted by you on sesh. We do not have any obligation to monitor any Content and have no direct control over what your Artist Content may comprise.

6.2 Interactions with Fans

When interacting with Fans that have joined your Community, you must not upload, post, display, or publish Artist Content that:

  1. is illegal, fraudulent, defamatory, hateful, discriminatory, threatening or harassing, or which encourages or promotes violence or any illegal activity;
  2. shows, includes or refers to minors; 
  3. shows, includes or refers to other individuals, unless you have written documentation which confirms that all individuals shown or included or referred to in your Artist Content have provided consent to you for the use of their name or images (or other personal information) in sesh;
  4. promotes, advertises or refers to firearms, weapons, goods whose sale, possession or use is subject to prohibitions or restrictions, drugs, self-harm or suicide, bestiality, sex, violence, rape, hypnosis, intoxication, torture, abuse, prostitution;
  5. causes or is calculated to cause inconvenience, or anxiety to anyone or which is likely to upset, embarrass, or cause serious offence;
  6. contains, promotes, advertises or refers to hate speech;
  7. vilifies, humiliates, dehumanizes, excludes, attacks and threatens other individuals;
  8. incite hatred, fear of, or violence against, a group or individual based on race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, caste, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, serious disease, veteran status, or any other protected characteristics;
  9. contains or refers to personal, private or confidential information of other people;

6.3 Corrective Actions

We reserve the right, but we are not obligated, to moderate or review your Artist Content to verify compliance with these Terms and/or any applicable law. However, please note that we may decide to take any of the actions listed below if we determine that your Artist Content, and/or your Artist Account and/or activity on the App violates these Terms: 

  1. send you a warning message;
  2. request you to correct your Artist Content;
  3. correct, demote, hide or remove your Artist Content from the app;
  4. restrict your Artist Account by blocking your access to sesh, or
  5. notify local authorities about your activity if there is a threat to someone’s life or safety.

6.4 Blocking your Artist Account

We reserve the right to temporarily block your Artist Account in the following cases:

When we say that we “block” your Artist Account, we mean that, without needing to obtain any consent from you and without giving any prior notice to you, we will temporally disable access to your Artist Account. If we block your Artist Account, you may request a review of our decision by contacting us at support@joinsesh.app

We will not be responsible for any loss suffered by you arising from the block of your Artist Account or any other steps which we take in good faith to investigate any suspected non-compliance or unlawfulness of your Artist Content.

6.5 Termination

We reserve the right in our sole discretion to terminate your Artist Account and definitively remove your Community, as well as the Artist Content published therein, without prior notice, in the following cases:

  1. you have or may have seriously or repeatedly breached any part of these Terms or attempt or threaten to breach any part of these Terms in a way which has or could have legal consequences for us or serious consequences for Users;
  2. you have created risk or possible legal exposure for us;
  3. unlawful conducts; 
  4. prolonged inactivity; or
  5. you have caused or your activity is reasonably likely to cause us to suffer a loss or that otherwise harms the reputation for us or sesh.

We can investigate any suspected or alleged misuse, abuse, or unlawful use of sesh and cooperate with law enforcement agencies or authorities in such investigation.

We can disclose any information or records in our possession or control about your use of sesh to law enforcement agencies or authorities in connection with any law enforcement investigation of any suspected or alleged illegal activity, to protect our rights or legal interests, or in response to legal process.

In all such cases, the Terms shall terminate, including, without limitation, your license to use the Services, except that the following sections shall continue to apply: Privacy, Content, Disclaimer, Limitation of Liability and Misuse of the Services. If you believe your Account was terminated in error you can send an email to support@joinsesh.app .

  1. Intellectual Property

You confirm that you own all intellectual property rights in your Artist Content or that you have obtained all necessary rights to your Artist Content which are required to grant licenses in respect of your Artist Content to us in any territory in which sesh is accessible.

You agree to grant us a license under all your Artist Content to perform any act restricted by any intellectual property right (including copyright) in such Artist Content, for any purpose reasonably related to the provision and operation of sesh. Such acts include to reproduce, make available and communicate to the public, display, perform, distribute, translate, and create adaptations or derivative works of your Artist Content, and otherwise deal in your Artist Content. The license which you grant to us is perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable, assignable and transferable by us.

  1. Your license

We give you a personal, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable and non-exclusive license to use the app and the Services. This license has the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of the Services as provided on sesh, in the manner permitted by these Terms or applicable laws. 

The App is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws. Nothing in the Terms gives you a right to use sesh trademarks, logos, domain names, other distinctive brand features, and other proprietary rights, without our permission. 

All right, title, and interest in and to the Services (excluding Artist Content and Fans Content) are and will remain our exclusive property.

  1. Data Protection

9.1 Processing of Artist Data

In relation to the processing of your Artist Data under this Terms, the data controller under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) is COLKIE TECHNOLOGY S.L., with Company Number B05387345 and registered office at Calle General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003 – Madrid.

We will process your Artist Data for the following purposes: 

  1. To enable the creation of your Artist Account.
  2. To allow us to provide the Services to you and host your Artist Content.
  3. To ensure compliance with, and enforce, these Terms.
  4. To contact you regarding updates, services, and promotions, including by SMS, provided you have opted in for such communications. You can opt out of receiving SMS at any time through the provided channels.

The legal basis is the performance of a contract (these Terms) which you are party or (Art. 6 of GDPR).

Your Artist Data will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship is maintained. Upon such period, we will keep your Artist Data blocked and prevented from being processed, except for the provision to the judges and courts, the Public Prosecutor's Office or the competent Public Administrations, in particular the data protection authorities, for the enforcement of possible liabilities arising from the processing and only during the statutory period of limitation.

We may share Artist Data with third-party service providers when such data is necessary for them to provide a service to us. We have a contract in place requiring these vendors to keep Artist Data confidential and not to use it other than in accordance with COLKIE specific instructions.

As data subject, you have the following rights regarding the processing of your Artist Data:

If you wish to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, you can at any time directly contact COLKIE by sending the appropriate request at the following addresses:

- Calle General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003 – Madrid.

- privacy@joinsesh.app 

Finally, if you are concerned about the way we have processed your Artist Data, you may complain to the supervisory authority (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos www.aepd.es).

9.2 Processing of Fan Data

We will assign a Community to you and transfer Fan Data to you as part of the Services. 

When you use the App and conduct processing activities involving Fan Data as data subjects, some of those data processing operations are carried out as joint controllers together with us in the sense of Art. 26 para. 1 sentence 1 of GDPR. Data processing activities carried out jointly carried out with us are described in our Privacy Policy. 

By accepting these Terms, you agree to the responsibilities for compliance with the obligations set out within the “Joint Controllership Agreement” incorporated as an Annex to these Terms.

9.3 Other processing activities

You will be allowed to carry out other processing operations regarding Fan Data as independent data controller. You agree that such independent processing activities are not covered by these Terms and that you are solely responsible for compliance with GDPR and other data protection laws.

If required by applicable data protection or privacy laws, you must have a privacy policy in place and inform Fans. 

Data processing activities carried out by us independently are described in our Privacy Policy. 

Regarding U.S. fans, you will not collect, share or otherwise use the personal information/data of any User fan under the age of 16 without following the applicable federal or state laws in the United States regarding obtaining the consent of the fan and/or their parent or legal guardian.

9.4 Compliance with CPRA requirements

Pursuant to the CPRA and the final regulations enacted by the California Privacy Protection Agency (called "regulations”), the Parties agree as follows:

  1. The Parties prohibit each other from selling or sharing personal information they collect pursuant to this Terms. 
  2. The Parties agree that the specific purposes for which the parties to this Terms shall process personal information, are as follows:
  1. To let users interact and post their contents within a Community.
  2. To record and rate the number of interactions users make within the Community, award them with exclusive content and other rewards and deliver them such rewards.
  3. To collect personal data related to users on external music streaming Apps (such as Spotify) and enable them to participate to Streaming Parties.
  4. To manage the purchase and shipment of Products that the user purchase through the app.
  1. The Parties agree to limit their use of any user’s personal information that they collect pursuant to this Terms for any purpose other than purposes expressly described in this Terms. 
  1. The Parties agree not to retain, use or disclose any user’s personal information they collect pursuant to this Terms for any commercial purpose other than the purposes specified in this Terms, unless expressly permitted by the CPRA or the regulations. 
  2. The Parties agree not to retain, use, or disclose the personal information that they collect pursuant to this Terms outside the direct business relationship between the Parties, unless expressly permitted by the CPRA or the regulations. For example, the Parties are prohibited from combining or updating personal information that it collects pursuant to this Terms  with the personal information that it receives from another source or collects from its own interaction with the consumer, unless expressly permitted by the CPRA or the regulations. 
  3. The Parties agree to comply with all applicable sections of the CPRA and the regulations, including—with respect to the personal information that it collects pursuant to this Terms to provide the same level of privacy protection as required of Businesses by the CPRA and the regulations. For example, this Terms requires the Parties to cooperate with each other in responding to and complying with consumers’ requests made pursuant to the CPRA, and to implement reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the personal information to protect the personal information from unauthorized or illegal access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure in accordance with California Civil Code section 1798.81.5
  4. The Parties agree to grant each other the right to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure that other Party to this Terms, uses the personal information that it collects pursuant to this Terms in a manner consistent with the business’s obligations under the CPRA and the regulations. Reasonable and appropriate steps may include ongoing manual reviews and automated scans of a Party or a service provider’s system and regular internal or third-party assessments, audits, or other technical and operational testing at least once every 12 months.  
  5. The Parties agree to notify each other Party after it makes a determination that it can no longer meet its obligations under the CPRA and the regulations. 
  6. The Parties agree to grant each other Party the right, upon notice, to take reasonable and appropriate steps to stop and remediate any unauthorized use of personal information. 
  7. For example, one Party may require the other Party or any service provider or contractor to provide documentation that verifies that they no longer retain or use the personal information of consumers that have made a valid request to delete with the business. 
  8. The Parties agree to assist and enable each Party to comply with consumer requests made pursuant to the CPRA.
  1. Each of the Parties, and any and all service providers or contractors that subcontracts to provide services to the Parties, shall have a written contract with that complies with the CPRA and the regulations, including binding all service providers and contractors to all of the terms set forth in this Terms subsection (a) above. 
  2.  Whether a Party conducts due diligence of the other Party to this Terms, or any service providers and contractors factors into whether the Party has reason to believe that a Party, service provider or contractor is using personal information in violation of the CPRA and these regulations. For example, depending on the circumstances, a Party that never enforces the terms of the contract nor exercises its rights to audit or test the other Party or a service provider’s or contractor’s systems might not be able to rely on the defense that it did not have reason to believe that the service provider or contractor intends to use the personal information in violation of the CPRA and these regulations at the time the Party disclosed the personal information to the service provider or contractor.

  1. Account Deleting

You may delete your Artist Account at any time and free of charge by using the Account Configuration section in the App.

Once your Artist Account and the Community assigned to you has been deleted, you will not have access to your former Artist Account, your Artist Content and Fan Data. 

You will receive an email confirmation upon the successful deletion of your Artist Account. 

Once your Artist Account has been deleted, we may deal with your Artist Content in any appropriate manner in accordance with these Terms and the Joint Controllership Agreement and you will no longer be entitled to access your Artist Content.

  1. Disclaimer

Your access to and use of your Artist Account, the App, the Services, the Fan Data or any Content are at your own risk. You understand and agree that the App and the Services are provided to you on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. 

COLKIE make no warranty or representation and disclaim all responsibility and liability for:

  1. the completeness, accuracy, availability, timeliness, security or reliability of the App, of the Services, of Fan Data or of any Content; 
  2. any harm to your computer system, loss of data, or other harm that results from your access to or use of the App, of the Services, of Fan Data or of any Content; 
  3. the deletion of, or the failure to store or to transmit, any Artist Content and other Content maintained, uploaded or published by you in the Community; and 
  4. whether the Services will meet your requirements or be available on an uninterrupted, secure, or error-free basis. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained from COLKIE or through the App or the Services, will create any warranty or representation not expressly made herein.

  1. Limitation of Liability



  1. How we may change these Terms:

We may change any part of these Terms from time to time. We will give you reasonable advance notice of such changes and the date that they will come into force. 

The changes will only apply to our relationship going forward. 

You may stop using the App before the changes take effect. Once any updated Terms are in effect, you will be bound by them if you continue to use sesh.

We may make urgent changes without telling you beforehand in the following circumstances:

  1. to reflect changes in laws and regulatory requirements, where such changes do not allow or require us to give reasonable notice to you; and
  2. to address an unforeseen and imminent danger deriving fraud, malware, spam, data breaches or other cybersecurity risks.

  1. Disputes

These Terms are governed by Spanish Law.  

In the event of any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to this agreement, its interpretation, performance, breach, termination, or validity, the parties shall endeavor to resolve it amicably. If an amicable resolution is not achieved within a reasonable period, all disputes, controversies, or claims shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Madrid (Spain), expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply.

If you are resident in the EEA, you can also raise the dispute with an alternative dispute resolution body via the EU Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) App.


This Joint Controllership Agreement (“Agreement”) is incorporated to and forms part of the Terms. This Agreement will enter into force as of the Community in assigned to the Artist (“Agreement Effective Date”).

COLKIE and the Artist are sometimes referred to herein individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties".

This Agreement is based on the following fact: 

  1. The Artist will be able to access and process Fan Data since a Community is assigned to him/her by COLKIE in sesh. 
  2. The Artist AND COLKIE will jointly determine the purposes and means of the processing of Fan Data carried within the Community. 

The purpose of this Agreement is to comply with Article 26 of GDPR. In the case that parts of this Agreement are invalid, void or unenforceable, this shall not affect the effectiveness of the remaining parts of this Agreement. The Parties commit themselves to replace the invalid provision with a legally admissible provision that comes closest to the intention of the invalid provision and best meets the requirements of GDPR.

  1. Scope of this Agreement

This Agreement sets out the allocation of respective roles, responsibilities and practical arrangements between the Parties for compliance with their respective data protection obligations under GDPR, when carrying out processing operations of Fan Data in sesh as joint controllers.

The joint controllership relationship is limited to data processing operations where Parties jointly determining purposes and means of processing in the meaning of Art. 26 of GDPR. Namely, such data processing operations are the one indicated in the Privacy Policy as conducted by COLKIE and the Artist as Joint Controllers.

  1. Definitions

For the purposes of this Agreement, the definitions laid down in Article 4 and 9 of GDPR, respectively, shall apply. Additionally the following definitions shall also apply:

-“Third Country” shall mean any country that is not a member of the European Union or the European Economic Area or any international organization;

-“Data Protection Laws” shall mean the GDPR as well as other provisions of EU Member State’s national law applicable to a relevant Party, passed in relation to personal data protection, including in particular the provisions of the given Controller’s national law;

-“Standard Contractual Clause” shall mean the standard data protection clauses for the transfer of personal data to processors established in third countries which do not ensure an adequate level of data protection, as described in Article 46 of the GDPR and approved by the European Commission Decision (EU) 2021/914 of 4 June 2021 on standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council as may be amended or replaced by the European Commission from time to time.

  1. Joint controllers 

For the purpose of this Agreement, the Parties act collectively as Joint Controllers, and each of them as a Joint Controller, pursuant to Article 28 of Article 26 of GDPR in relation to the processing activities jointly carried out in sesh. 

The processing activities performed by the Artist, as part of his/her remit and out of the scope of the use of sesh and/or a Community of sesh, fall outside the scope of this Agreement. 

  1. Responsibilities, roles and relationship towards data subjects 

In order to guarantee compliance with applicable data protection rules, each of the Parties shall comply with the general principles of applicable Data Protection Laws, including, among other, Article 5 of GDPR and  the California Consumer Rights Act at California Civil Code Section California Code, Civil Code - CIV § 1798.100, et seq, and the 2023 Final Regulations by the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPRA). 

Colkie intends to allow only U.S. user fans age 16 and older to join the sesh app. If at any time, the Artists or its agents and/or employees have reason to believe there is a U.S. user fan under the age of 16, it will immediately notify Colkie.

4.1 Provision of information to Data Subjects

COLKIE has published a Privacy Policy to ensure that users’ fans are informed of the details of the processing activity jointly carried out in sesh. Artist shall procure to have such Privacy Policy available to users’ fans, when required by applicable law.

As regards the activities out of the scope of this Agreement, Artist is solely responsible to comply with its obligations as an individual data controller to inform users’ fans about the processing of their personal data.

4.2 Handling of Data Subject requests

Parties agrees that the Point of Contact with respect of Data Subjects requests is COLKIE. Notwithstanding with the above, any Data Subjects may exercise their rights under GDPR in respect of and against each of the Parties. 

The Parties shall cooperate and, when so requested, provide each other with swift and efficient assistance in handling any Data Subject requests in accordance with the following steps:

  1. When a Party receives a Data Subject request, it must check whether the request concerns a processing operation carried out in sesh.
  2. If the request falls under a processing activity carried out in sesh as per sesh Privacy Policy, then the Parties shall agree handle the request together. Exchanges with the Data Subject(s) shall be handled solely by the Party receiving the Data Subject request, whilst the other Party shall cooperate upon request of the Party directly involved. 
  3. If the receiving Party finds that the request concerns a processing operation which belong to the Party as solely data controller, it shall forward the request to that other Party. The request shall be forwarded by using secure means of transmission and without undue delay, at the latest within five working days of its receipt. Within the same deadline, the receiving Party shall inform the Data Subject about forwarding the request and also clearly state to which Party has the request been forwarded.

4.3 Management of security incidents, including personal data breaches

The Parties shall handle security incidents, including personal data breaches, in accordance with their internal procedures and applicable legislation. 

The Parties shall in particular provide each other with swift and efficient assistance as required to facilitate the identification and handling of any security incidents, including personal data breaches, linked to the joint processing. 

The Parties shall notify each other of the following within the scope of this Agreement: 

  1. any risks that are reasonably likely to result in damage to the availability, confidentiality and/or integrity of the personal data undergoing joint processing; 
  2. any security incidents actually or potentially affecting personal data that are linked to the joint processing operation; 
  3. any personal data breach (i.e. any breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to personal data undergoing joint processing), the likely consequences of the personal data breach and the assessment of the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, and any measures taken to address the personal data breach and mitigate the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons; 
  4. any breach of the technical and/or organizational safeguards of the joint processing operation. 

Each Party is responsible for managing all security incidents, including personal data breaches, that occur as a result of an infringement of that Party’s obligations under this Agreement and GDPR. 

The responsible Party/ies shall document the security incident (including personal data breaches) and notify the other Parties without undue delay and at the latest within 48 hours after becoming aware of a security incident (including a personal data breach). The Party responsible for managing a personal data breach incident shall create and maintain appropriate records of the incident and notify it to the competent national supervisory authority without undue delay and, where feasible, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of the personal data breach, unless the personal data breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. The Party responsible shall inform the other Parties of such notification. 

The Party, responsible for the personal data breach, shall communicate that personal data breach to the Data Subjects concerned if the personal data breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. The Party responsible shall inform the other Parties of such communication. The communication to the Data Subjects referred to the previous paragraph shall not be necessary if any of the conditions listed in Article 34(3) of GDPR are met. 

4.4 Responsibility for the security of processing

Each party shall implement appropriate technical measures to ensure the security of processing personal data in sesh pursuant to Article 32 of GDPR. 

Access to personal data stored in the secure domain of sesh undergoing joint processing shall only be allowed to authorized staff/personnel/authorized users of the Parties, for the purposes of administering the data carry out the processing operation. 

4.5 Processors

For some purposes of processing of Fan Data there are third parties involved that act as processors on behalf of the Parties. It is the responsibility of both Parties to ensure compliance with applicable laws (particularly, the GDPR) when appointing a processor. 

Artist hereby grants the right to COLKIE to decide to change and add processors in the name of the Parties and grant the right to COLKIE to enter into contractual agreements in the name of both Parties where this is required under applicable laws (particularly, the GDPR). 

Already existing contractual agreements between COLKIE and third parties shall also apply to the processing of Fan Data in scope of the joint controllership of the Parties.

  1. Other responsibilities 

Without prejudice to obligations of Joint Controllers that may be applicable under GDPR or national laws applicable to the Parties, Parties shall be responsible for the following: 

  1. Recording of the processing operation; 
  2. Ensuring that the Fan Data undergoing processing are adequate, accurate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purpose; 
  3. Ensuring a transparent information and communication to Data Subjects of their rights; 
  4. Facilitating the timely exercise of the rights of Data Subjects; 
  5. Handling of Data Subjects’ requests in accordance with the procedure adopted;
  6. Deciding to restrict the application of, or derogate from Data Subject rights, where necessary and proportionate, in accordance with internal rules adopted by the Party in compliance with GDPR and U.S. state and federal laws
  7. Ensuring privacy by design and privacy by default; 
  8. Identifying and assessing the lawfulness, necessity and proportionality of transmissions and transfers of Fan Data; 
  9. Carrying out a data protection impact assessment, where necessary; 
  10. Carrying out a prior consultation with the competent national supervisory authority, where needed; 
  11. Where Fan Data are transferred outside the EEA/UK, take appropriate safeguards to require that Fan Data remain protected according to GDPR, including:
  1. Ensuring that persons authorized to process Fan Data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality; 
  2. Cooperating with the competent national supervisory authority, on request, in the performance of his or her tasks. 

  1. Cooperation 

Each Party, when so requested, shall provide a swift and efficient assistance to the other Party in execution of this Agreement, while complying with all applicable requirements of GDPR, the CPRA and regulations, and other applicable national or state rules on data protection. 

  1. Liability

The liability of the Parties for breaches of this Agreement, is generally governed by applicable data protection laws (particularly, GDPR). COLKIE is not liable for material and immaterial damages caused exclusively by the Artist breaching this Agreement or applicable laws (particularly, the GDPR) and has the right to seek compensation for such damages from the Artist. In case a supervisory authority or data subject seeks compensation from COLKIE for a breach of applicable laws caused exclusively by the Artist, COLKIE has the right to receive from the Artist an adequate compensation, at least in the amount COLKIE paid towards supervisory authorities and data subjects.

  1. Acknowledgement of this agreement by Fans 

In compliance with applicable data protection legislation, a resume of the statements contained in this Agreement will be displayed in sesh through a hyperlink contained in sesh Privacy Policy. 

  1. Commencement and termination

This Agreement shall become effective upon getting an Artist Account and acceptance of these Terms and is concluded for an indefinite period and at least as long as the Parties carry out processing of Fan Data as joint controllers. 

Each of the Parties has the right to terminate this Agreement. Artist may terminate this agreement by closing the Artist Account. 

Upon termination of Terms with COLKIE, this Agreement shall also be terminated. 

COLKIE may terminate this Agreement in accordance with the Terms.

  1. Amendments

Within the limits of applicable laws, for any amendment to this Agreement Artist will be informed before the amendment takes effect or, in the event of a more substantial amendment (for example, amendments that increase obligations, impact on main functionalities of the App), by email before the amendment takes effect. 

If the Artist disagree with any of the proposed amendments, he/she may choose to delete his/her Artist Account.

Terms and Conditions for Artists

Last updated: April 2024

These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern the use of sesh (also referred to as the “App”), including sesh features and functionalities such as Communities, Sessions, APIs and Streaming Parties (“Services”), by Artists (as defined in Section 1 below).


If any provision of these Terms is determined by a court to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision is deemed severable from these Terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

This document has been drafted in English and is provided to Artists in different languages, based on their geographic location. In the event of disputes or litigation, all versions shall be deemed authentic, but for legal purposes the text in English is to be given priority of interpretation.

  1. Definitions
Artist shall mean an individual or group engaged in the creation, performance, and production of music, owning an Artist Account and a Community of Fans in sesh (also referred to as “you” or “your”).
Artist Account shall mean an account owned by an Artist in sesh.
Artist Content shall mean any material uploaded by an Artist within his/her Community or using the Services, including any photos, videos, audio, livestream material, data, comments, hashtag, images, emojis, GIFs, memes, and any other material whatsoever.
Artist Data shall means any information relating to an Artist when signing up and using sesh.
Content shall mean any Content in sesh, whether Fan Content or Artist Content.
Community shall mean where a virtual space owned by an Artist, in which Artist Content is offered to Fans and where Fans can engage with one another through interactions.
Fan shall mean an individual owning a User Account in sesh and who has requested COLKIE to join a Community to view the Artist Content within the Community.
Fan Account shall mean an account owned by a Fan in sesh.
Fan Content shall mean any material uploaded in sesh by a Fan, including any photos, videos, audio, livestream material, data, comments, hashtag, images, emojis, GIFs, memes, and any other material whatsoever.
Fan Data shall means any information relating to a Fan when signing up and using sesh.
Session shall mean an online space created by the Artist within his/her own Community, in which temporary Artist Content is offered to Fans or a specific group of Fans.
User(s) shall mean any user of sesh, either Fan or Artist.
User Account shall mean any account created by an individual in sesh, either Fan or Artist.

  1. About these Terms 

By assenting to these Terms, you agree to be legally bound by these Terms, which will constitute a contract between you and COLKIE TECHNOLOGY S.L., with Company Number B05387345 and registered office at Calle General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003 - Madrid ("COLKIE", “we”, “us” or “our”). Our User Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Guidelines forms part of this Terms and you agree to them when accepting these Terms.

The individual, company or other legal entity accepting these Terms on behalf of you, represents and warrants that he or she has full authority to bind you to this Terms.

If you are accepting these Terms on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so and have the authority to bind such entity to these Terms, in which case the words “you” and “your” as used in these Terms shall refer to such entity.



  1. Contact Details 

sesh is operated by COLKIE. To contact us with any questions about the use of sesh, please email us at support@joinsesh.app . If you are unable to contact us by email, please write to us at the following address: C / General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003, Madrid, Spain.

  1. How can I get an Artist Account and a Community in sesh

4.1 Artist Account application requirements

In order to get an Artist Account, you must first create a User Account on sesh. 

To convert your User Account into an Artist Account, you need to submit your application for an Artist Account on our Artist Registration Page. We will require you to provide us your name, email address and link to your Spotify Account. 

When you submit an application for an Artist Account, you confirm that the information which you submit to us is truthful, accurate and complete and that the Spotify Account belongs to you. You also confirm that your User Account was not terminated or suspended by us because you violated User Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Guidelines or any other terms or policies.

You will be allowed to have only one Artist Account on sesh. However, if we block your original Artist Account because someone unlawfully took it over, you can submit an application for a new Artist Account for yourself.

4.2 Verification

We will verify that you are the individual requesting an Artist Account. We may require to you to provide additional information about your career, among others:

  1. music tracks, videos, or any other relevant multimedia creations;
  2. links to your official website, social media profiles, or other online platforms where your work is showcased;
  3. proof of concerts or performances, if available;
  4. testimonials or references from reputable sources within your industry;
  5. evidence of awards, recognition, or achievements related to your artistic career.

4.3 Rejected applications

Your application may be rejected for the following reason(s):

  1. Incomplete or inaccurate information regarding your career.
  2. The information provided doesn't appear authentic or genuine.
  3. Your User Account or its associated Content violates User Terms and Conditions of Use and/or Community Guidelines and/or applicable laws.
  4. Insufficient engagement or following.
  5. Duplicate accounts.
  6. Suspicions of fraudulent activity, including spamming and bot-like behavior.

If you do not meet the above requirements, If there’s a good reason to believe that the information you provide is incomplete or incorrect, or if you don’t cooperate with our requests, we may reject your application.

4.4 Creation of your Community

Once the verification process is completed, we will create a Community in sesh for you. Within the Community assigned to you, you will be able to share Artist Content with your Fans. 

Please note that COLKIE will grant to you a unique access to an external platform in which you will be able to access and process, jointly with us, Fans personal data.

  1. Misuse of sesh  

You agree you will not misuse the app or the Services. You agree you will not:

You also may not do any of the following while accessing or using the app:

It is also a violation of these Terms to facilitate or assist others in violating these Terms, including by distributing products or services that enable or encourage violation of these Terms.

  1. Misuse of sesh  

You agree you will not misuse the app or the Services. You agree you will not:

You also may not do any of the following while accessing or using the app:

It is also a violation of these Terms to facilitate or assist others in violating these Terms, including by distributing products or services that enable or encourage violation of these Terms.

  1. Artist Content

Artist Content shall not be considered in any case confidential. You authorize Fans belonging to your Community to access and view your Artist Content for their own lawful and personal use, and/or in accordance with any other licenses that you eventually grant to them.

6.1 Warranties

You warrant (which means that you make a legally enforceable promise to us) that:

  1. You own the Artist Content (and all intellectual property rights in it) you post, display, upload or publish or you have a valid license to post, display, upload or publish it on the Community assigned to you or in sesh;
  2. Artist Content posted, displayed, uploaded or published by you on sesh comply in full these Terms and our Community Guidelines;
  3. if your Content includes or uses any third-party material, you have secured all rights, licenses, written consents and releases that are necessary for the use of such third-party property in sesh and for the subsequent use of that Content on sesh; and
  4. the Content is of satisfactory quality, taking account of any description and all other relevant circumstances including any statement or representation which you make about the nature of the Content on your account or in any advertising;

You agree that you will be liable to us and indemnify us if any of the warranties is untrue. This means you will be responsible for any loss or damage (including loss of profit) we may suffer as a result of any of the warranties being untrue.

We are not responsible for and do not endorse any aspect of Artist Content posted by you on sesh. We do not have any obligation to monitor any Content and have no direct control over what your Artist Content may comprise.

6.2 Interactions with Fans

When interacting with Fans that have joined your Community, you must not upload, post, display, or publish Artist Content that:

  1. is illegal, fraudulent, defamatory, hateful, discriminatory, threatening or harassing, or which encourages or promotes violence or any illegal activity;
  2. shows, includes or refers to minors; 
  3. shows, includes or refers to other individuals, unless you have written documentation which confirms that all individuals shown or included or referred to in your Artist Content have provided consent to you for the use of their name or images (or other personal information) in sesh;
  4. promotes, advertises or refers to firearms, weapons, goods whose sale, possession or use is subject to prohibitions or restrictions, drugs, self-harm or suicide, bestiality, sex, violence, rape, hypnosis, intoxication, torture, abuse, prostitution;
  5. causes or is calculated to cause inconvenience, or anxiety to anyone or which is likely to upset, embarrass, or cause serious offence;
  6. contains, promotes, advertises or refers to hate speech;
  7. vilifies, humiliates, dehumanizes, excludes, attacks and threatens other individuals;
  8. incite hatred, fear of, or violence against, a group or individual based on race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, caste, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, serious disease, veteran status, or any other protected characteristics;
  9. contains or refers to personal, private or confidential information of other people;

6.3 Corrective Actions

We reserve the right, but we are not obligated, to moderate or review your Artist Content to verify compliance with these Terms and/or any applicable law. However, please note that we may decide to take any of the actions listed below if we determine that your Artist Content, and/or your Artist Account and/or activity on the App violates these Terms: 

  1. send you a warning message;
  2. request you to correct your Artist Content;
  3. correct, demote, hide or remove your Artist Content from the app;
  4. restrict your Artist Account by blocking your access to sesh, or
  5. notify local authorities about your activity if there is a threat to someone’s life or safety.

6.4 Blocking your Artist Account

We reserve the right to temporarily block your Artist Account in the following cases:

When we say that we “block” your Artist Account, we mean that, without needing to obtain any consent from you and without giving any prior notice to you, we will temporally disable access to your Artist Account. If we block your Artist Account, you may request a review of our decision by contacting us at support@joinsesh.app

We will not be responsible for any loss suffered by you arising from the block of your Artist Account or any other steps which we take in good faith to investigate any suspected non-compliance or unlawfulness of your Artist Content.

6.5 Termination

We reserve the right in our sole discretion to terminate your Artist Account and definitively remove your Community, as well as the Artist Content published therein, without prior notice, in the following cases:

  1. you have or may have seriously or repeatedly breached any part of these Terms or attempt or threaten to breach any part of these Terms in a way which has or could have legal consequences for us or serious consequences for Users;
  2. you have created risk or possible legal exposure for us;
  3. unlawful conducts; 
  4. prolonged inactivity; or
  5. you have caused or your activity is reasonably likely to cause us to suffer a loss or that otherwise harms the reputation for us or sesh.

We can investigate any suspected or alleged misuse, abuse, or unlawful use of sesh and cooperate with law enforcement agencies or authorities in such investigation.

We can disclose any information or records in our possession or control about your use of sesh to law enforcement agencies or authorities in connection with any law enforcement investigation of any suspected or alleged illegal activity, to protect our rights or legal interests, or in response to legal process.

In all such cases, the Terms shall terminate, including, without limitation, your license to use the Services, except that the following sections shall continue to apply: Privacy, Content, Disclaimer, Limitation of Liability and Misuse of the Services. If you believe your Account was terminated in error you can send an email to support@joinsesh.app .

  1. Intellectual Property

You confirm that you own all intellectual property rights in your Artist Content or that you have obtained all necessary rights to your Artist Content which are required to grant licenses in respect of your Artist Content to us in any territory in which sesh is accessible.

You agree to grant us a license under all your Artist Content to perform any act restricted by any intellectual property right (including copyright) in such Artist Content, for any purpose reasonably related to the provision and operation of sesh. Such acts include to reproduce, make available and communicate to the public, display, perform, distribute, translate, and create adaptations or derivative works of your Artist Content, and otherwise deal in your Artist Content. The license which you grant to us is perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable, assignable and transferable by us.

  1. Your license

We give you a personal, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable and non-exclusive license to use the app and the Services. This license has the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of the Services as provided on sesh, in the manner permitted by these Terms or applicable laws. 

The App is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws. Nothing in the Terms gives you a right to use sesh trademarks, logos, domain names, other distinctive brand features, and other proprietary rights, without our permission. 

All right, title, and interest in and to the Services (excluding Artist Content and Fans Content) are and will remain our exclusive property.

  1. Data Protection

9.1 Processing of Artist Data

In relation to the processing of your Artist Data under this Terms, the data controller under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) is COLKIE TECHNOLOGY S.L., with Company Number B05387345 and registered office at Calle General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003 – Madrid.

We will process your Artist Data for the following purposes: 

  1. To enable the creation of your Artist Account.
  2. To allow us to provide the Services to you and host your Artist Content.
  3. To ensure compliance with, and enforce, these Terms.
  4. To contact you regarding updates, services, and promotions, including by SMS, provided you have opted in for such communications. You can opt out of receiving SMS at any time through the provided channels.

The legal basis is the performance of a contract (these Terms) which you are party or (Art. 6 of GDPR).

Your Artist Data will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship is maintained. Upon such period, we will keep your Artist Data blocked and prevented from being processed, except for the provision to the judges and courts, the Public Prosecutor's Office or the competent Public Administrations, in particular the data protection authorities, for the enforcement of possible liabilities arising from the processing and only during the statutory period of limitation.

We may share Artist Data with third-party service providers when such data is necessary for them to provide a service to us. We have a contract in place requiring these vendors to keep Artist Data confidential and not to use it other than in accordance with COLKIE specific instructions.

As data subject, you have the following rights regarding the processing of your Artist Data:

If you wish to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, you can at any time directly contact COLKIE by sending the appropriate request at the following addresses:

- Calle General Asensio Cabanillas 27, 28003 – Madrid.

- privacy@joinsesh.app 

Finally, if you are concerned about the way we have processed your Artist Data, you may complain to the supervisory authority (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos www.aepd.es).

9.2 Processing of Fan Data

We will assign a Community to you and transfer Fan Data to you as part of the Services. 

When you use the App and conduct processing activities involving Fan Data as data subjects, some of those data processing operations are carried out as joint controllers together with us in the sense of Art. 26 para. 1 sentence 1 of GDPR. Data processing activities carried out jointly carried out with us are described in our Privacy Policy. 

By accepting these Terms, you agree to the responsibilities for compliance with the obligations set out within the “Joint Controllership Agreement” incorporated as an Annex to these Terms.

9.3 Other processing activities

You will be allowed to carry out other processing operations regarding Fan Data as independent data controller. You agree that such independent processing activities are not covered by these Terms and that you are solely responsible for compliance with GDPR and other data protection laws.

If required by applicable data protection or privacy laws, you must have a privacy policy in place and inform Fans. 

Data processing activities carried out by us independently are described in our Privacy Policy. 

Regarding U.S. fans, you will not collect, share or otherwise use the personal information/data of any User fan under the age of 16 without following the applicable federal or state laws in the United States regarding obtaining the consent of the fan and/or their parent or legal guardian.

9.4 Compliance with CPRA requirements

Pursuant to the CPRA and the final regulations enacted by the California Privacy Protection Agency (called "regulations”), the Parties agree as follows:

  1. The Parties prohibit each other from selling or sharing personal information they collect pursuant to this Terms. 
  2. The Parties agree that the specific purposes for which the parties to this Terms shall process personal information, are as follows:
  1. To let users interact and post their contents within a Community.
  2. To record and rate the number of interactions users make within the Community, award them with exclusive content and other rewards and deliver them such rewards.
  3. To collect personal data related to users on external music streaming Apps (such as Spotify) and enable them to participate to Streaming Parties.
  4. To manage the purchase and shipment of Products that the user purchase through the app.
  1. The Parties agree to limit their use of any user’s personal information that they collect pursuant to this Terms for any purpose other than purposes expressly described in this Terms. 
  1. The Parties agree not to retain, use or disclose any user’s personal information they collect pursuant to this Terms for any commercial purpose other than the purposes specified in this Terms, unless expressly permitted by the CPRA or the regulations. 
  2. The Parties agree not to retain, use, or disclose the personal information that they collect pursuant to this Terms outside the direct business relationship between the Parties, unless expressly permitted by the CPRA or the regulations. For example, the Parties are prohibited from combining or updating personal information that it collects pursuant to this Terms  with the personal information that it receives from another source or collects from its own interaction with the consumer, unless expressly permitted by the CPRA or the regulations. 
  3. The Parties agree to comply with all applicable sections of the CPRA and the regulations, including—with respect to the personal information that it collects pursuant to this Terms to provide the same level of privacy protection as required of Businesses by the CPRA and the regulations. For example, this Terms requires the Parties to cooperate with each other in responding to and complying with consumers’ requests made pursuant to the CPRA, and to implement reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the personal information to protect the personal information from unauthorized or illegal access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure in accordance with California Civil Code section 1798.81.5
  4. The Parties agree to grant each other the right to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure that other Party to this Terms, uses the personal information that it collects pursuant to this Terms in a manner consistent with the business’s obligations under the CPRA and the regulations. Reasonable and appropriate steps may include ongoing manual reviews and automated scans of a Party or a service provider’s system and regular internal or third-party assessments, audits, or other technical and operational testing at least once every 12 months.  
  5. The Parties agree to notify each other Party after it makes a determination that it can no longer meet its obligations under the CPRA and the regulations. 
  6. The Parties agree to grant each other Party the right, upon notice, to take reasonable and appropriate steps to stop and remediate any unauthorized use of personal information. 
  7. For example, one Party may require the other Party or any service provider or contractor to provide documentation that verifies that they no longer retain or use the personal information of consumers that have made a valid request to delete with the business. 
  8. The Parties agree to assist and enable each Party to comply with consumer requests made pursuant to the CPRA.
  1. Each of the Parties, and any and all service providers or contractors that subcontracts to provide services to the Parties, shall have a written contract with that complies with the CPRA and the regulations, including binding all service providers and contractors to all of the terms set forth in this Terms subsection (a) above. 
  2.  Whether a Party conducts due diligence of the other Party to this Terms, or any service providers and contractors factors into whether the Party has reason to believe that a Party, service provider or contractor is using personal information in violation of the CPRA and these regulations. For example, depending on the circumstances, a Party that never enforces the terms of the contract nor exercises its rights to audit or test the other Party or a service provider’s or contractor’s systems might not be able to rely on the defense that it did not have reason to believe that the service provider or contractor intends to use the personal information in violation of the CPRA and these regulations at the time the Party disclosed the personal information to the service provider or contractor.

  1. Account Deleting

You may delete your Artist Account at any time and free of charge by using the Account Configuration section in the App.

Once your Artist Account and the Community assigned to you has been deleted, you will not have access to your former Artist Account, your Artist Content and Fan Data. 

You will receive an email confirmation upon the successful deletion of your Artist Account. 

Once your Artist Account has been deleted, we may deal with your Artist Content in any appropriate manner in accordance with these Terms and the Joint Controllership Agreement and you will no longer be entitled to access your Artist Content.

  1. Disclaimer

Your access to and use of your Artist Account, the App, the Services, the Fan Data or any Content are at your own risk. You understand and agree that the App and the Services are provided to you on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. 

COLKIE make no warranty or representation and disclaim all responsibility and liability for:

  1. the completeness, accuracy, availability, timeliness, security or reliability of the App, of the Services, of Fan Data or of any Content; 
  2. any harm to your computer system, loss of data, or other harm that results from your access to or use of the App, of the Services, of Fan Data or of any Content; 
  3. the deletion of, or the failure to store or to transmit, any Artist Content and other Content maintained, uploaded or published by you in the Community; and 
  4. whether the Services will meet your requirements or be available on an uninterrupted, secure, or error-free basis. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained from COLKIE or through the App or the Services, will create any warranty or representation not expressly made herein.

  1. Limitation of Liability



  1. How we may change these Terms:

We may change any part of these Terms from time to time. We will give you reasonable advance notice of such changes and the date that they will come into force. 

The changes will only apply to our relationship going forward. 

You may stop using the App before the changes take effect. Once any updated Terms are in effect, you will be bound by them if you continue to use sesh.

We may make urgent changes without telling you beforehand in the following circumstances:

  1. to reflect changes in laws and regulatory requirements, where such changes do not allow or require us to give reasonable notice to you; and
  2. to address an unforeseen and imminent danger deriving fraud, malware, spam, data breaches or other cybersecurity risks.

  1. Disputes

These Terms are governed by Spanish Law.  

In the event of any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to this agreement, its interpretation, performance, breach, termination, or validity, the parties shall endeavor to resolve it amicably. If an amicable resolution is not achieved within a reasonable period, all disputes, controversies, or claims shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Madrid (Spain), expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply.

If you are resident in the EEA, you can also raise the dispute with an alternative dispute resolution body via the EU Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) App.


This Joint Controllership Agreement (“Agreement”) is incorporated to and forms part of the Terms. This Agreement will enter into force as of the Community in assigned to the Artist (“Agreement Effective Date”).

COLKIE and the Artist are sometimes referred to herein individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties".

This Agreement is based on the following fact: 

  1. The Artist will be able to access and process Fan Data since a Community is assigned to him/her by COLKIE in sesh. 
  2. The Artist AND COLKIE will jointly determine the purposes and means of the processing of Fan Data carried within the Community. 

The purpose of this Agreement is to comply with Article 26 of GDPR. In the case that parts of this Agreement are invalid, void or unenforceable, this shall not affect the effectiveness of the remaining parts of this Agreement. The Parties commit themselves to replace the invalid provision with a legally admissible provision that comes closest to the intention of the invalid provision and best meets the requirements of GDPR.

  1. Scope of this Agreement

This Agreement sets out the allocation of respective roles, responsibilities and practical arrangements between the Parties for compliance with their respective data protection obligations under GDPR, when carrying out processing operations of Fan Data in sesh as joint controllers.

The joint controllership relationship is limited to data processing operations where Parties jointly determining purposes and means of processing in the meaning of Art. 26 of GDPR. Namely, such data processing operations are the one indicated in the Privacy Policy as conducted by COLKIE and the Artist as Joint Controllers.

  1. Definitions

For the purposes of this Agreement, the definitions laid down in Article 4 and 9 of GDPR, respectively, shall apply. Additionally the following definitions shall also apply:

-“Third Country” shall mean any country that is not a member of the European Union or the European Economic Area or any international organization;

-“Data Protection Laws” shall mean the GDPR as well as other provisions of EU Member State’s national law applicable to a relevant Party, passed in relation to personal data protection, including in particular the provisions of the given Controller’s national law;

-“Standard Contractual Clause” shall mean the standard data protection clauses for the transfer of personal data to processors established in third countries which do not ensure an adequate level of data protection, as described in Article 46 of the GDPR and approved by the European Commission Decision (EU) 2021/914 of 4 June 2021 on standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council as may be amended or replaced by the European Commission from time to time.

  1. Joint controllers 

For the purpose of this Agreement, the Parties act collectively as Joint Controllers, and each of them as a Joint Controller, pursuant to Article 28 of Article 26 of GDPR in relation to the processing activities jointly carried out in sesh. 

The processing activities performed by the Artist, as part of his/her remit and out of the scope of the use of sesh and/or a Community of sesh, fall outside the scope of this Agreement. 

  1. Responsibilities, roles and relationship towards data subjects 

In order to guarantee compliance with applicable data protection rules, each of the Parties shall comply with the general principles of applicable Data Protection Laws, including, among other, Article 5 of GDPR and  the California Consumer Rights Act at California Civil Code Section California Code, Civil Code - CIV § 1798.100, et seq, and the 2023 Final Regulations by the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPRA). 

Colkie intends to allow only U.S. user fans age 16 and older to join the sesh app. If at any time, the Artists or its agents and/or employees have reason to believe there is a U.S. user fan under the age of 16, it will immediately notify Colkie.

4.1 Provision of information to Data Subjects

COLKIE has published a Privacy Policy to ensure that users’ fans are informed of the details of the processing activity jointly carried out in sesh. Artist shall procure to have such Privacy Policy available to users’ fans, when required by applicable law.

As regards the activities out of the scope of this Agreement, Artist is solely responsible to comply with its obligations as an individual data controller to inform users’ fans about the processing of their personal data.

4.2 Handling of Data Subject requests

Parties agrees that the Point of Contact with respect of Data Subjects requests is COLKIE. Notwithstanding with the above, any Data Subjects may exercise their rights under GDPR in respect of and against each of the Parties. 

The Parties shall cooperate and, when so requested, provide each other with swift and efficient assistance in handling any Data Subject requests in accordance with the following steps:

  1. When a Party receives a Data Subject request, it must check whether the request concerns a processing operation carried out in sesh.
  2. If the request falls under a processing activity carried out in sesh as per sesh Privacy Policy, then the Parties shall agree handle the request together. Exchanges with the Data Subject(s) shall be handled solely by the Party receiving the Data Subject request, whilst the other Party shall cooperate upon request of the Party directly involved. 
  3. If the receiving Party finds that the request concerns a processing operation which belong to the Party as solely data controller, it shall forward the request to that other Party. The request shall be forwarded by using secure means of transmission and without undue delay, at the latest within five working days of its receipt. Within the same deadline, the receiving Party shall inform the Data Subject about forwarding the request and also clearly state to which Party has the request been forwarded.

4.3 Management of security incidents, including personal data breaches

The Parties shall handle security incidents, including personal data breaches, in accordance with their internal procedures and applicable legislation. 

The Parties shall in particular provide each other with swift and efficient assistance as required to facilitate the identification and handling of any security incidents, including personal data breaches, linked to the joint processing. 

The Parties shall notify each other of the following within the scope of this Agreement: 

  1. any risks that are reasonably likely to result in damage to the availability, confidentiality and/or integrity of the personal data undergoing joint processing; 
  2. any security incidents actually or potentially affecting personal data that are linked to the joint processing operation; 
  3. any personal data breach (i.e. any breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to personal data undergoing joint processing), the likely consequences of the personal data breach and the assessment of the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, and any measures taken to address the personal data breach and mitigate the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons; 
  4. any breach of the technical and/or organizational safeguards of the joint processing operation. 

Each Party is responsible for managing all security incidents, including personal data breaches, that occur as a result of an infringement of that Party’s obligations under this Agreement and GDPR. 

The responsible Party/ies shall document the security incident (including personal data breaches) and notify the other Parties without undue delay and at the latest within 48 hours after becoming aware of a security incident (including a personal data breach). The Party responsible for managing a personal data breach incident shall create and maintain appropriate records of the incident and notify it to the competent national supervisory authority without undue delay and, where feasible, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of the personal data breach, unless the personal data breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. The Party responsible shall inform the other Parties of such notification. 

The Party, responsible for the personal data breach, shall communicate that personal data breach to the Data Subjects concerned if the personal data breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. The Party responsible shall inform the other Parties of such communication. The communication to the Data Subjects referred to the previous paragraph shall not be necessary if any of the conditions listed in Article 34(3) of GDPR are met. 

4.4 Responsibility for the security of processing

Each party shall implement appropriate technical measures to ensure the security of processing personal data in sesh pursuant to Article 32 of GDPR. 

Access to personal data stored in the secure domain of sesh undergoing joint processing shall only be allowed to authorized staff/personnel/authorized users of the Parties, for the purposes of administering the data carry out the processing operation. 

4.5 Processors

For some purposes of processing of Fan Data there are third parties involved that act as processors on behalf of the Parties. It is the responsibility of both Parties to ensure compliance with applicable laws (particularly, the GDPR) when appointing a processor. 

Artist hereby grants the right to COLKIE to decide to change and add processors in the name of the Parties and grant the right to COLKIE to enter into contractual agreements in the name of both Parties where this is required under applicable laws (particularly, the GDPR). 

Already existing contractual agreements between COLKIE and third parties shall also apply to the processing of Fan Data in scope of the joint controllership of the Parties.

  1. Other responsibilities 

Without prejudice to obligations of Joint Controllers that may be applicable under GDPR or national laws applicable to the Parties, Parties shall be responsible for the following: 

  1. Recording of the processing operation; 
  2. Ensuring that the Fan Data undergoing processing are adequate, accurate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purpose; 
  3. Ensuring a transparent information and communication to Data Subjects of their rights; 
  4. Facilitating the timely exercise of the rights of Data Subjects; 
  5. Handling of Data Subjects’ requests in accordance with the procedure adopted;
  6. Deciding to restrict the application of, or derogate from Data Subject rights, where necessary and proportionate, in accordance with internal rules adopted by the Party in compliance with GDPR and U.S. state and federal laws
  7. Ensuring privacy by design and privacy by default; 
  8. Identifying and assessing the lawfulness, necessity and proportionality of transmissions and transfers of Fan Data; 
  9. Carrying out a data protection impact assessment, where necessary; 
  10. Carrying out a prior consultation with the competent national supervisory authority, where needed; 
  11. Where Fan Data are transferred outside the EEA/UK, take appropriate safeguards to require that Fan Data remain protected according to GDPR, including:
  1. Ensuring that persons authorized to process Fan Data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality; 
  2. Cooperating with the competent national supervisory authority, on request, in the performance of his or her tasks. 

  1. Cooperation 

Each Party, when so requested, shall provide a swift and efficient assistance to the other Party in execution of this Agreement, while complying with all applicable requirements of GDPR, the CPRA and regulations, and other applicable national or state rules on data protection. 

  1. Liability

The liability of the Parties for breaches of this Agreement, is generally governed by applicable data protection laws (particularly, GDPR). COLKIE is not liable for material and immaterial damages caused exclusively by the Artist breaching this Agreement or applicable laws (particularly, the GDPR) and has the right to seek compensation for such damages from the Artist. In case a supervisory authority or data subject seeks compensation from COLKIE for a breach of applicable laws caused exclusively by the Artist, COLKIE has the right to receive from the Artist an adequate compensation, at least in the amount COLKIE paid towards supervisory authorities and data subjects.

  1. Acknowledgement of this agreement by Fans 

In compliance with applicable data protection legislation, a resume of the statements contained in this Agreement will be displayed in sesh through a hyperlink contained in sesh Privacy Policy. 

  1. Commencement and termination

This Agreement shall become effective upon getting an Artist Account and acceptance of these Terms and is concluded for an indefinite period and at least as long as the Parties carry out processing of Fan Data as joint controllers. 

Each of the Parties has the right to terminate this Agreement. Artist may terminate this agreement by closing the Artist Account. 

Upon termination of Terms with COLKIE, this Agreement shall also be terminated. 

COLKIE may terminate this Agreement in accordance with the Terms.

  1. Amendments

Within the limits of applicable laws, for any amendment to this Agreement Artist will be informed before the amendment takes effect or, in the event of a more substantial amendment (for example, amendments that increase obligations, impact on main functionalities of the App), by email before the amendment takes effect. 

If the Artist disagree with any of the proposed amendments, he/she may choose to delete his/her Artist Account.